Tuesday, September 30, 2008

7-8 Choir Music

Here are links to some of the songs the 7-8 choir is working on this sememster. If you can't play these, go to jwpepper.com and search for the song titles (sometimes you have to search a little to find the correct one! Everything we are performing is 2 part music.)

Snow is Falling Still

The Polar Express: A Choral Medley (This recording is 4 voice parts--we are only performing 2 voice parts, but there is no recording of that. Sorry!)

Antiphonal Gloria--I haven't found a recording of this piece as of yet.

My hope is to add one more piece to the 7-8 choir, so we will have 4 songs at the concert, but I have yet to narrow it down. Hopefully soon.

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