Monday, October 6, 2008

Jazz Band

It has finally come to that time of year where we start jazz band. I have tried to put off starting rehearsals until the fall athletic seasons are winding down. Especially at the beginning of the year, a lot of things get thrown at students. My hope is that not starting until mid-October will allow students a chance to get settled in and comfortable in the school year.

I put a sign-up sheet on the closet door in the band room today. Jazz band will start next week, Oct. 13th, at 7:15 at the elem. in Colfax. We will rehearse there on Monday and Wednesday mornings at 7:15. We will finish by 7:45 so that students can get on the buses in Colfax for their trip to Mingo. Mingo rehearsals will start at 7:30 since there are no transportation considerations. My hope is that having 3 rehearsals available, students will be able to attend 2 per week--that is, there is no need to get up 3 mornings per week!

We are going to learn about several different styles of music and will perform at concerts in December and May for sure, as well as the possibility of March. Later this week I'll post more information concerning details because this has become longer than I originally intended! On a final note, a special thanks to Mr. Summy and the elementary for letting us use the music room in the mornings!

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