Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Wednesday Surprise

By now most of you have probably discovered about the additive leak that caused the early dismissal from the middle school. The odor was quite strong, and as of Wednesday afternoon, is still present--although less obvious. Hopefully tomorrow everything will be back to normal. I am using this time to update some information on peoples' computers, as well as cleaning up and organizing the band and choir rooms. It is amazing how quickly things become messy. But then again, with chairs, instruments, stands, music and other assorted items, there is a lot that can be put in the wrong place.

7th and 8th grade parents, we are scheduling conferences again this year, but we hope that allowing you to schedule the time will encourage you to come and talk about your student. All the details are on the middle school website. We would really like to see a large turnout as this is a great way for parents to talk to teachers and vice versa.

I hope the students enjoyed their suprise time off. I am ready to get back at things tomorrow!

1 comment:

KJL said...

Ahem...SURPRISE, not SUPRISE! ;-)

(Hey, it's my job.)