Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Great Concert! (Plus, what IBA really means)

What a great concert on Monday!!! Thanks to all who helped move things, watch students and everything else you do make the concert run smoothly! I get a chance to see the growth of students every day, but it was great to hear parents saw the growth as well! It was also nice to attend the high school concert last night (and the potluck, too!)

On Thursday and Friday this week I am going to be attending the IBA convention at the Hotel Fort Des Moines. IBA stands for Iowa Bandmasters Association and the convention is a great chance for band directors from all levels from all over the state to get together, share ideas, attend classes and concerts and refresh ourselves. Many directors only get the month of July off during the summer (if you want to call it 'taking in off') because of summer lessons and preparation for the next school year. This is a great chance to rejuvenate and communicate--something that is much needed for me after this busy school year. Hopefully I'll be ready for that final push when I come back (bringing many great ideas as well!)

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