Friday, May 29, 2009

The End of the World as we know it...or maybe just the end of the year

A day without students means it's the end of the year. It was a good year, but I can say that I am glad it is over. Sometimes we just need a break from the everyday routine, and this is a good break. The summer gives me a chance to teach lessons, which I enjoy immensely because all I have to do is teach--no paperwork or other responsibilities! I also spend the time cleaning, reorganizing and planning for next year. So while it looks like a big vacation on paper, I spend most of the time working on school related things so that next year can be better than the last. I also get the opportunity to play with a couple of community bands, sometimes on the thing that originally got me interested in music education--the tuba!

With that said, the lesson schedule for June has been posted on the middle school website on the band and choir page. If you signed up for lessons, but a schedule didn't make it home, check that out.

I intend to keep blogging over the "vacation," but it might become a little more sporadic. Hope you all have a great break. Off to clean, repair, organize and all that stuff!

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