Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Final Push

We are coming down to the last few days!!! I thought I would take some time and update what is going on!

First, the trip to the From the Top performance is off. Too many logistical things to deal with other pressures and circumstances made the planning difficult. My apologies to those who were excited about going.

Second, look for information concerning summer band lessons in the next several days. It is not a school sponsored thing this year, but it is still being offered. I will be doing all the lessons for those going into 6th-12th grade.

Third, as we get closer to the end, it is really easy for students to shut down. The staff had a good discussion with the seventh grade students today. The gist was that the 7th graders need to work harder and give more effort to maximize to the potential that they have. It was very productive and many students stepped up and were willing to be leaders--lots who are part of the music program at CMMS. I was really proud of this. There are lots of great students at the middle school!

I'll write more when time allows. Sometimes circumstances just don't allow for writting, but I'll keep doing it as often as I can!

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