Friday, May 29, 2009

The End of the World as we know it...or maybe just the end of the year

A day without students means it's the end of the year. It was a good year, but I can say that I am glad it is over. Sometimes we just need a break from the everyday routine, and this is a good break. The summer gives me a chance to teach lessons, which I enjoy immensely because all I have to do is teach--no paperwork or other responsibilities! I also spend the time cleaning, reorganizing and planning for next year. So while it looks like a big vacation on paper, I spend most of the time working on school related things so that next year can be better than the last. I also get the opportunity to play with a couple of community bands, sometimes on the thing that originally got me interested in music education--the tuba!

With that said, the lesson schedule for June has been posted on the middle school website on the band and choir page. If you signed up for lessons, but a schedule didn't make it home, check that out.

I intend to keep blogging over the "vacation," but it might become a little more sporadic. Hope you all have a great break. Off to clean, repair, organize and all that stuff!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Promotion and lessons

I just wanted to say thanks to all the students who played and sang at the 8th grade promotion on Friday evening. I understand that it gets long and somewhat boring, but when 8th grade rolls around, it becomes a big deal and is nice to have the music there. I am proud of what the students have accomplished this year. The program has grown nicely in my 4 years here. There are more students involved, playing more challenging music and learning lots of things. Perhaps there are more things to be added next year, but right now I am looking forward to summer lessons.

I just finished putting together a summer lesson schedule. I'll plan on handing it out on Thursday--in addition to putting it on the middle school website and linking to it here. I am pleased that even though the circumstances around the lessons have changed that there are many students who are still taking advantage to learn new things and play some other stuff!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

As it all winds down...sort of...

Some people wind down to the end of the year. I race really, really hard until I run into the brick wall that is the last day of school. This week has a busy end with solos tomorrow and 8th grade promotion on Friday! So much still to do!

Summer lesson forms are due on Friday, as are band students' quarter projects. Many have done these, but there are still several who haven't! I have to have them by Friday in order for them to be counted.

The choir is also getting ready to sing an original song with lyric written by 2 of the students. I have made recordings from my computer to practice with and some students have been generous enough to copy those and pass them around so more students can take a copy and practice with it. Technology is a plus--in addition to one of my posts earlier in the year!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Solos and Promotion!

I am back from my conference, and it was really refreshing!

Band students performing solos on Thursday should have received a schedule last week with performance times. I will be posting one on the website just in case they didn't find their way home. Feel free to switch times with another person, but just let me know!

Just a reminder that 8th grade promotion is Friday at 7pm. Band and choir students should be here by 6:45!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Great Concert! (Plus, what IBA really means)

What a great concert on Monday!!! Thanks to all who helped move things, watch students and everything else you do make the concert run smoothly! I get a chance to see the growth of students every day, but it was great to hear parents saw the growth as well! It was also nice to attend the high school concert last night (and the potluck, too!)

On Thursday and Friday this week I am going to be attending the IBA convention at the Hotel Fort Des Moines. IBA stands for Iowa Bandmasters Association and the convention is a great chance for band directors from all levels from all over the state to get together, share ideas, attend classes and concerts and refresh ourselves. Many directors only get the month of July off during the summer (if you want to call it 'taking in off') because of summer lessons and preparation for the next school year. This is a great chance to rejuvenate and communicate--something that is much needed for me after this busy school year. Hopefully I'll be ready for that final push when I come back (bringing many great ideas as well!)

Monday, May 11, 2009

Concert Night!

Well, the concert is in about an hour and a half. I think everything is close to being ready. There is so much that goes into having a concert--moving chairs/equipment from the band room and from the high school, setting up the room, having final rehearsals, writing and printing and folding programs, setting up the sound system, warming students up--then we get to the actual performing and tear down! Lots of people play a role in making this work!

Today the 7-8 band had the opportunity to perform for the 5th graders who were touring the building in anticipation of their arrival here next year. What an awesome show they put on!! I was really proud!

Summer lesson forms are available on the band/choir page of the middle school website. Things are slightly different this year, so be sure to read things carefully. Hope to see lots of you at the concert in a little while!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Final Push

We are coming down to the last few days!!! I thought I would take some time and update what is going on!

First, the trip to the From the Top performance is off. Too many logistical things to deal with other pressures and circumstances made the planning difficult. My apologies to those who were excited about going.

Second, look for information concerning summer band lessons in the next several days. It is not a school sponsored thing this year, but it is still being offered. I will be doing all the lessons for those going into 6th-12th grade.

Third, as we get closer to the end, it is really easy for students to shut down. The staff had a good discussion with the seventh grade students today. The gist was that the 7th graders need to work harder and give more effort to maximize to the potential that they have. It was very productive and many students stepped up and were willing to be leaders--lots who are part of the music program at CMMS. I was really proud of this. There are lots of great students at the middle school!

I'll write more when time allows. Sometimes circumstances just don't allow for writting, but I'll keep doing it as often as I can!