Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Word of the Week

I had a request to put the Word of the Week on the blog, so I will do my best to start doing that!

This week's word is: Largo

The word of the weeks is something that I started this year to help students remember musical terminology. Below are the rules I handed out to students at the beginning of the year.

Word of the Week Rules:

Every Monday, a new word will appear on the board. Follow these steps:

Write the word down
Find the definition on your own time
Write that definition next to the word
Put your name and grade on the paper
Deposit the paper in the word box before Friday of that week

During rehearsals on Friday, Mr. Wipperman will select one correct answer at random per band (one from 6th grade band, one from 7/8 band) from all the correct answers and the winner will receive a prize. If the person can recite the definition from memory on Friday, they can do one of the following things:

Take another prize
Trade their 2 prizes for a bigger prize
Keep their initial prize and receive extra credit toward their lessons

If the student can’t remember the definition, he/she still keeps their prize for having their answer drawn. Must be present to win. All decisions of the director are final.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i am the best before mr.wipperman