Monday, October 27, 2008


Every year, the middle school band students have the opportunity to participate in one of the high school music department's fundraisers. Participation is totally optional. Students will receive approximately 50% of their total sales in an individual account that can be used to purchase items such as reeds, valve oil, lesson books, metronomes, etc. These accounts will follow students through high school.

The high school started selling frozen butter braids on Friday and we will begin tomorrow, Oct. 28th. The turn in date for order forms in Monday, November 3rd. This gives the high school students an opportunity to sell first, as the middle school students use the funds for smaller items and not trips. We expect delivery shortly before Thanksgiving, so please plan on taking home what is sold and deliver it--otherwise I will have a lot of butter braids to haul home to my freezer!

As I said, this is a completely optional fundraiser--it is not required. Proceeds go to individual accounts for use for individual purchases for supplies.

Here is a link to their website:

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