Sunday, October 12, 2008

More Jazz Info

Sorry it took me so long to get the rest of the info up!

Students should enter the elementary through the doors between the gym and the lunch room. Most of the time, I'll be there about 10 minutes before 7, so the doors will be unlocked in plenty of time. I am more than willing to take big instruments in my car (bass, bari sax, etc.) so they don't have to be transported on the bus. Students should be responsible for their own smaller instruments (trumpets, saxes, trombones). Rehearsals will last about half an hour, so it is important to arrive and be ready to play at 7:15. I understand how early in the morning this is, but there really is no other good time for rehearsals.

As far as adverse weather, on days when school is delayed or cancelled, there will NOT be jazz band. Setting this policy makes life easier for everyone involved--including me. Should there be some other need to cancel, I will try to announce it the day before in school and put something on the website and this blog. If I don't have a chance to announce it in school, I have a list of phone numbers so I can call students and let them know!

I am really excited about the number of students signed up this year!!! I think we are in for a good time with some good music!

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