Wednesday, October 15, 2008

End of the Quarter

The end of the quarter is fast approaching. I thought I would take this opportunity to remind students and parents about the "extra items" that are due at the end of the semester. In the band handbook, which can be found at the CM Middle School website, there is a page explaining the quarter project policy. My intent is to get students involved in some other aspect of music that may interest them that we would not otherwise have time to discuss. With lessons/practice calendars/concerts/etc., the point total each quarter is about 120/150. In order to achieve the full 150, students need to choose up to 2 projects to be completed each quarter.

There is a list of suggested items in the handbook on the middle school website, but this list is by no means a be-all-end-all. If students have other suggestions, they should run them by me--more than likely, I will say that it is ok. Again, my goal is to encourage students to get involved or interested in some other aspect of music that we would not have time to delve into during class time.

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