Sunday, March 28, 2010

Jasper County Honor Band

Tomorrow I'll be taking 15 students to the Jasper Co. Honor Band in Newton. It is a great event--a chance for students in Jasper Co. to be recognized for their outstanding work. The 7 middle schools in Jasper Co. each bring students to the event and they get to work with a guest conductor to prepare the music for an evening concert.

This year's conductor is Dr. Craig Hancock of Wartburg College. It is a special treat for me because Dr. Hancock was my director at Wartburg. Not only that, he also was my tuba lesson instructor! I am thrilled to have him coming to this part of the state to work with some awesome middle school students! 15 is more than I have taken to this honor band in the past, but we have a great group of students this year and they deserve a chance to have this opportunity!

The concert is a 7pm at the Newton High School auditorium. There is a nominal entrance fee and it should be a great event. Feel free to come enjoy the music!

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