Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Assembly and Break

Trooper Doug Cutts was here today for an assembly on cell phones, texting and sexting. He did a great job at explaining to the students about the dangers and problems that exist with technology today. Students did a great job of paying attention and hopefully got the message.

The weather has been great the last couple of days--almost made me forget about winter! Break is coming at a good time--everyone needs a chance to get out of the routine and to enjoy the weather, family and friends. Because there is no school until Wednesday, April 7th, I am telling all my band students today that instruments need to go home and get practiced at some point over break. So many kids could progress so much faster with just a little bit of practice--and that makes the whole group better.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Jasper County Honor Band

Tomorrow I'll be taking 15 students to the Jasper Co. Honor Band in Newton. It is a great event--a chance for students in Jasper Co. to be recognized for their outstanding work. The 7 middle schools in Jasper Co. each bring students to the event and they get to work with a guest conductor to prepare the music for an evening concert.

This year's conductor is Dr. Craig Hancock of Wartburg College. It is a special treat for me because Dr. Hancock was my director at Wartburg. Not only that, he also was my tuba lesson instructor! I am thrilled to have him coming to this part of the state to work with some awesome middle school students! 15 is more than I have taken to this honor band in the past, but we have a great group of students this year and they deserve a chance to have this opportunity!

The concert is a 7pm at the Newton High School auditorium. There is a nominal entrance fee and it should be a great event. Feel free to come enjoy the music!

Monday, March 22, 2010


I had the opportunity to see a great show last weekend at the Newton Community Theater. Annie was great--even better was that a CM student was playing the lead and did a phenomenal job! If you get a chance, go this weekend and check it out. Danielle is playing the part of Annie on Friday at 7:30 and Sunday at 2:30--at least I think that is the matinee time. Tickets are $15 are are very well worth it!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


In an effort to include more and more technology in my instruction, I have started to use PowerPoint with the 7-8 choir. I essentially project the lesson/rehearsal plan on the wall for them to see as we go through class. I am hoping to do much more with it, but it has some benefits that I have already seen:

1) I don't spend as much time giving rehearsal numbers and discussing where we are working and what we are working on. If students have a question, it is right there projected on the wall.

2) My handwriting is way more difficult to read than is typing, so this way my lesson plans are legible.

I asked the students at the end of last rehearsal if they enjoyed having it up there and it was a nearly unanimous "yes." Hopefully I will be able to continue doing it!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Music in Schools

I was pleased to see so many people at conferences tonight! Communication needs to be a continual thing. That is the best thing for all involved. Hope to see many more on Thursday. Please go to the meeting at the high school about the budget on Thursday as well.

I have also been following the Des Moines school budget situation and it is nice to see the support for the music program being shown this evening.

At our concert in May, you will hear an example of the important role music plays in public education. For a little pre-concert information/listening, check out this youtube video by Jack Stamp, a famous band composer.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Iowa Arts Education Month

March is traditionally Music in our Schools Month. It is a tough year, considering how many music programs around the state are on the chopping block due to budgets. The programs need the aid of many citizens speaking up for them.

Along those lines, Gov. Culver has issued a proclamation declaring March as Iowa Arts Education Month. Read it here:

Thursday, March 4, 2010


It is painfully obvious that everyone is experiencing squeezes from the recession--schools are not exempt. Many districts in the state are looking at tough cuts. I know there is no easy solution to some of these problems, but it is important that music and the arts are kept in schools. Both the Des Moines Public Schools and Southeast Polk are looking at making significant cuts to their music and art programs. These programs are hugely important in developing creative leaders of tomorrow.

Support the arts in education any chance you get. Never assume "it won't happen here." Schools not too far away are facing that issue. Don't be afraid to speak out!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I always enjoy concerts. The stress level leading up to it can be intense, but the rush of the performance never gets old. I am always impressed with what students can do when you set the bar high. They are always willing to meet the challenge! I routinely try to choose music that is borderline difficulty for them and they rise to meet the challenge!

The Parade of Bands is always so fun because the development is evident! The progression is so great for me to see as a teacher. So often we get stuck in the little minutia and loose track of the big picture and this is a great way to see it!

Congrats to all on a great concert! If you have pics you would be willing to send me, please do so at I'd love to have them!

A Parade in Winter?

You bet! Tonight is the Parade of Bands at the high school! Should be some great music.

There are lots of things that go on behind the scenes to make this happen. Doug Beach and I loaded all the middle school equipment at 7 this morning. He'll take it up to the high school and students up there will help unload and get things set up. All 6-8 band students will leave at 9:30 for a run through of the concert at the high school. Basically we will get there, run through stuff, make sure everyone has what they need and come back to the middle school in time for lunch! I have 2 choir rehearsals in the afternoon. Mr. Moening does the programs and all of a sudden, it's concert time (that's my favorite part). Tomorrow morning we do all the tear down. Lots of work, but always a fun concert.

Just a reminder that middle school students need to be at the high school by 6:40 tonight!