Thursday, January 21, 2010

Ok--enough ice

So the snow/ice days keep piling up. At least right now, students are still done before the Memorial Day weekend. Gotta look for the positives.

One of the negatives of this last storm was the cancellation of an honor band I was supposed to take 3 students to participate in. Not only is it a good experience for them--working with great students from other districts and an awesome guest conductor--but it is also a chance for me to re-energize (yes, teachers need that!). Hopefully it can get rescheduled.

On another note, the solo festival is 3 weeks from today at PCM Middle School. Most 7-8 students have been working on something. If you haven't heard it at home--ask about it. Practice time is something that has been lacking in the last several weeks! It needs to happen! We can talk about things to improve on in lessons, but if it doesn't get reinforced during practice time, rarely will students internalize that information. It's just like homework, only more fun. :)


Renae Heikkila said...

I am not familiar with the solos. I will have to ask Danielle about it. Thanks for keeping the blog.

Mr. Wipperman said...

It's a band thing right now. With my background in instrumental rather than vocal, I am still hanging on as far as the vocal world. Lots more to learn and get involved in!