Friday, December 19, 2008

Snow Days Make Scheduling Messes!

Well, after it took me an hour and a half to shovel, I suppose it is a good thing there is no school. However, this does have an effect on our rehearsals! I figured I would post some logistical info today to help everyone for Monday.

7-8 choir should be in the choir room by 6:30 for warm up on Monday
6-8 band students are meeting in Mr. Ruden's room by 6:40 on Monday
5th grade band students will be meeting in the lunchroom

All rehearsals will be in the gym on Monday, regardless of what period class happens. JAZZ BAND WILL NOT MEET BEFORE SCHOOL MONDAY. We will rehearse during RAPP.

Hopefully everyone has a good and safe weekend and is ready for a great concert on Monday!

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