Monday, December 1, 2008

Morning Jazz Band and Information

Just thought I would make a quick note, since the weather is getting a little more winter-like. On days where there is a late start, there will be NO jazz rehearsal. This just makes my life a little easier if my drive to school is going to be rough. Hopefully it does the same for you.

On the Band/Choir page of the school website, there is a note about the concert on Dec. 22. So far, it has just gone out to choir students, but the information is pretty much the same. This will be the first concert where I am kind of doing everything, so I am still working out the logistics of that night. Hopefully, I'll get everything figured out in the next week or so.

The word of the week this week is QUINTET.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

do you like apples i like apples do you like apples i like apples