Monday, September 13, 2010

Marching Band

One of the big changes between 6th and 7-8 band is the addition of marching band. Until you experience it, it's hard to imagine the coordination, stamina and effort really needed for success. Not only do you have to move playing your instrument (typically playing is a sitting thing), but you must do it in step, outside, carrying both your instrument and your music. Easier for some instruments than others! Imagine a big bass drum strapped to your front, or a 35-40 pound sousaphone on your shoulder acting like a big sail!

The last several rehearsals, the 7-8 band has come a long way on our marching band efforts! Last Wednesday, we couldn't even make it through the tune sitting inside. Today we were getting ready to march around the school while playing it. Hooray for them!! We have 6 more practices until the homecoming parade, with 2 being on early outs. Hopefully the weather holds!

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