Friday, May 28, 2010

It's over!

Well, the school year has ended (at least for the students). It is always a mix of emotions that I have at this time of year. I know I'll miss the students, but I also look forward to some (here and there) relax/refresh time.

The band and choir students did a great job at the 8th grade promotion event! I was really proud of the way they played and listened during the ceremony.

One final note about yesterday--I was surprised by my 8th grade students, both band and choir, with a card and a gift! I am really grateful for the tie and the Applebee's gift card! What I am really happy about is that I got a chance to work with such smart, talented, caring, thoughtful young people! That surprise absolutely made my week!

I'll have email access all summer and I'll be in to school fairly regularly throughout the summer if you need to contact me. I'll also try to blog periodically during the summer as well. Hope you all enjoy your summer!

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