Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Thanks for coming!

It was great to see some of you at the open house on Monday night. I know that it can seem like a hassle to come the middle school and sit in classrooms for an hour and a half, but I think it really helps to get a perspective on what the students go through every day. Even more importantly, it gives us as teachers and you as parents to get acquainted and start that line of communication that is going to help everyone involved. I took some pics and will have them posted here soon (at least better than last time I promised pictures!). I have to take the flash card home to do it, since my computer here won't read it.

Again, thanks for coming! If you have questions, comments or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me or the school!

1 comment:

beth b said...

Okay so I'm on your blog and opening up another account on the net. Facebookk, twitter, AVON, email,etc.

Congrats on another year at CM ... we really appreciate your dedication to your students! We hope they show you the utmost respect in and out of the classroom! Heard you were at McDonalds ... I'm sure you were surprised to see that blondy at counter. He has gained 6 pounds since starting ... can you tell?

Let me know if you need help with marching band ... or any other areas!

Congrats on your new little one at home! She'll love to hear the band as she grows up!

Hope all is going well at home and school!