Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Parade of Bands

The parade is coming! The annual CM Parade of Bands concert is Tuesday, March 24! It is a little latter this year than in past years, but should be a great chance to hear all the groups perform, 5th grade through high school, including the jazz bands! A lot of work goes into this performance, not just from the students and directors, but also from a logistical view--all the equipment gets moved from the band room in Mingo to the high school on the day of the concert. A big thanks to all those who help with that process.

On the day of the concert, each band from the middle school will have the opportunity to run through their songs at the high school. The 7-8 band and jazz band will be gone to the high school during 4th and 5th periods. The 6th graders will be gone during 6th and 7th periods. The high school gym is quite different than the gym we are used to playing in, so it is important that we get the opportunity to rehearse there! It is also a great chance to educate about acoustics and that sort of thing!

The students have worked hard and we are looking forward to seeing a lot of people at the concert!

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