Monday, March 23, 2009

Concert Tuesday!

It is always so exciting getting ready for a concert. What an opportunity to showcase what we have been working on and studying over the last 2 months!

Tuesday morning, bright and early, our equipment gets moved over to the high school in Colfax--hopefully it isn't raining! The 7-8 band will miss 4th and 5th periods for a rehearsal at the high school. The 6th graders will miss 6th period and part of 7th for their run through. Jazz band rehearsed this morning and will take the rest of the week off!!! I brought donuts in as a reward for coming in early for rehearsals, as well a celebration of taking the rest of the week off. I think they were well appreciated!

With a concert comes new music for the following rehearsals. I have some fun things picked out--sightreading a piece (playing it for the first time) is always interesting, but it gives us a fun chance to explore some new things!

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