Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Sorry for the Lack of Pictures!

I need to apologize for not putting any pictures on the blog! I have always intended to do that, but have never gotten around to doing it. I'll see if I can get that done sometime in the next week or so.

For the 8th grade promotion that comes around every year, both the band and the choir typically perform. This year, rather than have students unhappy about the selection the choir is singing, I asked if any of the students would write some lyrics to a song. Within a week I had lyrics and I have since written music to go with it. Hopefully it turns out great and you will hear a great performance at the promotion!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Great Concert!

What a great concert last night! I am really proud of all the students who performed. It is so much fun to see the progress over the years. The quality of the music was great, too.

I would like to say a special thanks to the audience, who was outstanding! Thank you for some great etiquette--what a great example to our students!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Rainy Start

Well, we're off to a wet start to the day. That made things interesting loading our equipment at 7 this morning. We put all the things that are safe to be in the rain on the trailer and got it sent off to the high school, but I am soaking wet! Hopefully we can get the rest of the equipment over to the high school in a suburban before rehearsal!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Concert Tuesday!

It is always so exciting getting ready for a concert. What an opportunity to showcase what we have been working on and studying over the last 2 months!

Tuesday morning, bright and early, our equipment gets moved over to the high school in Colfax--hopefully it isn't raining! The 7-8 band will miss 4th and 5th periods for a rehearsal at the high school. The 6th graders will miss 6th period and part of 7th for their run through. Jazz band rehearsed this morning and will take the rest of the week off!!! I brought donuts in as a reward for coming in early for rehearsals, as well a celebration of taking the rest of the week off. I think they were well appreciated!

With a concert comes new music for the following rehearsals. I have some fun things picked out--sightreading a piece (playing it for the first time) is always interesting, but it gives us a fun chance to explore some new things!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Parade of Bands

The parade is coming! The annual CM Parade of Bands concert is Tuesday, March 24! It is a little latter this year than in past years, but should be a great chance to hear all the groups perform, 5th grade through high school, including the jazz bands! A lot of work goes into this performance, not just from the students and directors, but also from a logistical view--all the equipment gets moved from the band room in Mingo to the high school on the day of the concert. A big thanks to all those who help with that process.

On the day of the concert, each band from the middle school will have the opportunity to run through their songs at the high school. The 7-8 band and jazz band will be gone to the high school during 4th and 5th periods. The 6th graders will be gone during 6th and 7th periods. The high school gym is quite different than the gym we are used to playing in, so it is important that we get the opportunity to rehearse there! It is also a great chance to educate about acoustics and that sort of thing!

The students have worked hard and we are looking forward to seeing a lot of people at the concert!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

End of the Quarter and Parade of Bands

I can't believe it has been a week since I have posted anything! My apologies! We have reached the end of the third quarter. I don't know where the year has gone--seems like we were just getting to school in August. Third quarter extra items are due tomorrow. Several students have completed these, while there are also many who have not. Time is running out!

Monday is a full day of inservice for teachers--giving us a chance to look at data to help aid and improve our instruction. On a side note, many of you know my wife is pregnant with our first child. On Monday we get to find out if it's a boy or girl!

Here is another reminder about the Parade of Bands on March 24th. It is going to be a great concert! Students have worked so hard on this music. I sent a note home this week (I'll also put a copy on the middle school website) with some info. Students should be at the high school by 6:40 or so to warm up! I am really looking forward to the performances!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Girls' State Basketball Tournament

Here is another link to information about pep band playing at the state tournament. http://www.desmoinesregister.com/article/20090304/NEWS03/903040365&theme=CARLSON

I have a couple of friends who are band directors at schools participating in the tournament. One is even quoted in the paper. It's nice to see the attention drawn to this issue!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Early Out and this Friday

There is an early out scheduled for teacher inservice tomorrow. As usual, lessons will be rotating and those with lessons usually scheduled for the second half of the hour will meet. Those scheduled for the first half are excused!

On Friday, I will be at a meeting all day in West Des Moines as part of a group looking to increase the communication between the school and parents. There will be no lessons on Friday--not sure yet for what the plan is for rehearsals (both band and choir) on Friday. Stay tuned!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

End of the 3rd Quarter

The end of the thrid quarter is coming!! Friday, March 13th--yes, I know--is the last day of the quarter. This is just a reminder that third quarter projects are due by that date. Some people have already taken the initiative to get their projects taken care of. There is still time left to get them turned in! If suggestions are needed, take a look at the list in the band hand book.