Thursday, January 15, 2009

Cold days

I can't remember a "cold" day. Must have been a while since I've seen one of those. Too bad that means one more day to make up in the summer!

It also affects scheduling right now. Solo/Ensemble is coming up quickly and we have 13 events participating, even with the Science Fair conflict. Congrats to those students for stepping up and finding a way to do both. I should get the performance schedule next week--barring more days missed. I will be gone on Tuesday for an honor band at Simpson College. I am hoping that those who have missed lessons (and are doing solos/duets) over the last couple weeks due to my absences and snow/cold can get made up when we get back. I will be working on a schedule.

I will, hopefully, post some links this weekend to the songs we are working on in both band and choir.

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