Monday, November 2, 2009


Sorry I haven't written anything in a week, but the week of conferences was pretty crazy! Thanks to everyone who came to the middle school on Tuesday and Thursday evenings! It was great to have the turnout we did and we appreciate your feedback on the surveys that you filled out. Hopefully we will continue to be able to improve the setup and make conferences less daunting and more inviting!

Last Thursday, I handed out Butterbraid forms to band students. Every year, we tag on to this fundraiser that the high school music department does. While they use it for trips, we use it for supplies. Each student has an individual account with the music boosters. As they sell, each student gets a percentage of each sale deposited in their account to be used for things like lesson books, reeds, valve oil and other supplies. As the student moves into high school, that account stays with the student and can be put toward travel expenses.

This is by no means a required thing!! It does give some students who would otherwise not have the money for their supplies a chance to work to be able to have those and participate in the program.

Money should be collected when items are sold and everything is due to me at the middle school on Monday, Nov.9th!!!!

As usual, if you have questions about the fundraiser, don't hesitate to contact me!!

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