Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Final Post

This will be my final post on this blog.  As most of you know, I will become the 7-12 band director at Bondurant-Farrar next year.  The past several weeks have been an emotional roller coaster.  It's been a challenge as I come to the realization I won't be teaching at C-M next year.  It has been wonderful working with the middle school staff and Mrs. Maher--they are wonderful people.  But more importantly, it has been awesome working with the students.  There are some wonderfully thoughtful and talented students at C-M!  The outpouring of support has been very appreciated--thank you!  I'm so glad I had the opportunity to help educate your children!  I'll be just down the road--I'll follow progress of students in the paper and on Facebook.  I would love to see some students at honor bands in the future!  I hope you continue to encourage your children to be involved in the arts.  Arts, and especially music, build many skills, but also some wonderful personal relationships.  It builds bridges and connects people who otherwise would have no interaction with each other.  I am grateful for the the opportunity to build relationships at C-M that I hope will last for a long time.  That reason is why I teach and, more specifically, why I teach music.

Thanks for reading!

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