Friday, December 30, 2011

Concert and a Break

What a great way to end the first semester! I am very proud of all the groups that played on the 20th! Awesome job! Break is always a great chance for me to recuperate and see family and friends--but it also goes by really quickly! I write today sitting in my office having just put my room back together. My grades are almost complete, but I'll spend some time working on those today and Monday. To me, the most exciting thing is handing out new music! The 7-8 band has been working a little on one new piece for a couple of weeks, but everything we will be playing at the Parade of Bands in March needs to be handed out before students come back. The same thing is true for choir--new music! It's exciting, but there is a lot of work to be done!

I hope you all have had a great holiday week! Happy New Year!

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