Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Butterbraids and Jazz Band

Every fall, the middle school bands join the high school music department in selling Butterbraids. It's the only fundraiser we take part in. Each Butterbraid is $12--5 of which go to individual student accounts. Students can use this money to buy needed supplies, like reeds, oil, lesson books, metronomes, etc. These accounts stay with students through high school and eventually can be used to help pay for trips. Selling is totally optional. I don't push too hard on this, as the students are the ones who see the benefit from this sale.

Jazz band will begin next week, Oct. 24th. We are going to try something new this year. On Monday, we are going to rehearse during RAPP at the middle school. On Tuesday, we will have a 7:30AM rehearsal in Mingo and on Wednesday we'll have a 7:15AM rehearsal at the elementary. That way, students in both communities will have the opportunity to take part. Plus, we'll have everyone together for one rehearsal each week. It should be a great learning experience and a fun time!

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