Monday, September 26, 2011

On to Concert Band!

What a great day for a parade last Friday! I thought the band did a great job. Our music sounded great and our lines were pretty straight! There is always room for improvement--we weren't staying in step very well--but overall I was pleased! The music is always the most important thing.

The switch to concert band can be challenging and exciting at the same time. We go from one tune we have been working on for a month and know pretty well, to 3 new pieces we have never seen before. Percussion completely switches gears as far as instrumentation. Several students migrate back to instruments that don't work as well for marching. There just are a lot of things in flux.

As far as I am concerned, though, new music is always exciting. We work on our sightreading. We spend a lot more time working on tone and sound production. It's just a great time to work and grow as musicians!

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