Tuesday, August 16, 2011

We're Back!

As I am getting things ready for the second day of inservice, I am realizing how quickly the summer went by! It seems like I just finished up summer lessons last week!

I have some great expectations for this school year. In addition to 6th grade band, 7-8 band, 6th grade choir and 7-8 choir, I'll be teaching a music history exploratory class on the history of rock music. I am excited about the material and the possibilities to connect it with technology!

Like the last several years, the 7-8 band will march in the homecoming parade on Sept. 23. That doesn't leave us a lot of time to get music learned, so students should bring their instruments to school on Friday, August 19th!

It's an exciting and scary time, but the start of school is so much fun! Let's make it a great year!

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