Thursday, May 26, 2011

We have reached the end...

Amazingly enough, the school year has come to an end! We took time today to do some awards with the middle school students. It's nice to be able to recognize lots of students for the great things that they do, day in and day out!

As I move into "Summer Mode" I'll be posting the summer lesson schedule on the middle school website. Summer can be a great time to get instruments to the repair shop for a "tune up." Just like other things we use regularly that need to get checked (cars, mowers, ourselves), instruments need the same thing. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to email or call me. I have email access at home and I come to school a crazy number of times in the summer, so I'll get back to you as soon as I can!

Friday, May 20, 2011

8th Grade Promotion

Today is a weird day--with rehearsal for 8th grade promotion taking up part of the morning, things are a little different than normal. Cindy has done a nice job of getting the stage ready. It looks great.

For me, it was great to hear what the 7-8 band will sound like for next year! We have some great times ahead--the group sounded awesome in rehearsal this morning! The choir will get a chance to run through their piece this afternoon and the event tonight starts at 7PM. Hopefully we will be done in an hour or so! It will be nice having our music events done for the year! This has been one busy week!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Concerts, Solos and More!

What a crazy time of year it is! This past week or so has been filled with activity!

The 6th grade concert on the 9th was wonderful. What a fun group of students to work with. On Monday the 7/8 groups gave their concert and did an awesome job!

Yesterday the 6th grade band students (and a couple 7th and 8th graders) performed the solos they had been working on for the past month at the elementary. Their judge was Katherine Breitbach, 5-12 band director at Colo-NESCO. She is always full of energy and gave some great feedback to the students on ways to improve their playing and performance. It was also nice to see so many parents, family members and friends there in support of those playing!

A couple reminders/updates:

All 6/7 band members need to be at the middle school on Friday at 6:45PM for the 8th grade promotion event. This is our last performance of the year.

All 7/8 choir members need to be at the middle school on Friday at 6:40PM for the 8th grade promotion event. This is our last performance of the year.

Summer lesson forms are due on Friday, May 20th. Students should have them. They can be downloaded at the middle school website. Students are not required to take lessons. However, the option is there and we can certainly work on a wide variety of things over the summer.

Finally, as things stand now, the district will remain at 3 full time music faculty. Thanks for your support of the program!

Monday, May 9, 2011


I am beginning to wonder how it always ends up so warm on these May concert nights! As I sit here getting ready for the 6th grade concert this evening, I am deciding how I feel about a split concert. The separation of the 7/8 concert from the 6th concert this year ended up as a result of a change in a track meet at North Mahaska. Rather than have the students forced to make a decision in a situation that wasn't of their doing, I decided to split the concert. While this makes 2 nights at school for me (and some families), it makes the concerts considerably shorter.

I would love to have your thoughts on the split concert. Feel free to log in and leave a comment below, or email me at Let me know what you think!

If you have a chance, check out the HS Band/Vocal concert tomorrow night, May 10th, at 7PM!