Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Second Semester

As I was in working over break , I was thinking about how quickly the school year really goes by. It is half over! There is no gradually getting back into the swing of things, either. This Friday we are headed to the Science Center of Iowa for their DaVinci exhibit and ITBS testing starts at the end of the month.

On the music front, all the groups are working on new literature, which can be kind of hectic to get ready. Imagine collecting 3-4 textbooks from every student at the end of the semester and then passing out 3-4 new textbooks to each of those students! 7-8 band students are working on solos/ensembles for performance in February at PCM. The next full band performance is the Parade of Bands the first week of March at the HS. The first semester just flew by and it doesn't look like it is slowing down any time soon.

Take some time and ask your son/daughter about DaVinci, ITBS testing and their music!

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