Wednesday, December 8, 2010

7-8 Band Solo/Ensemble

7-8 band students will be working on solos/small ensembles for the next month and a half in their lessons. In 5th and 6th grade, all are required to play a solo for a judge's feedback. In 7th and 8th, students can either play a solo or be part of a small ensemble (duet, trio, etc.). Our performance date for these solos is Feb. 10th at PCM Middle School. The judges will provide feedback to the students and give them a rating from I+(highly superior) through III. It's a great chance to hear some comments from someone other than me!

Today is the last day to sign up for small groups. Those names not on the list will receive a solo. It is my hope that all 7-8 students would have their solo/ensemble music before they leave for break.

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