Thursday, October 7, 2010

Switch from Marching to Concert Band

I thought I would take a minute and recap what was a great marching season for us! I thought the 7-8 band did a great job marching in the parade last Friday! Our lines stayed fairly straight and the music sounded pretty good. I think the students were proud of their performance, as was I.

The switch to concert band is kind of a shock to the system, at least for me. New routines, new percussion instruments, new music, no more outside time! It takes a while to get into the flow of things again. We had developed a good rehearsal routine for marching band--now we have to practice like it's the first day of school again (well, close). Please encourage that the instruments go home and get practiced--that's how we get better. It's homework for band!

If anyone has pics from the parade, I'd love to have them if you are willing!

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