Monday, August 23, 2010

It has begun...

Despite the heat today and the delay from the flooding, we have successfully started a new school year. They first couple of days usually bring some chaos, with new students figuring out where to go, rules and procedures getting covered and class schedules changing! Quite a crazy time. Right now it looks like our numbers are down a little bit in both band and choir, but I am going to spend a little time the next couple of days re-recruiting some students! :) Music teachers are always fighting schedule battles (not that I want to be). There are some students who need a study hall, but from my experience, much time in study hall is wasted. Why not have another class? Learn something. Challenge yourself to be better.

The group of 6th grade band students really has me excited about this year! I think they are going to be so much fun to work with. I bought some new music this year with them in mind!

On a side note, when you get a chance to come to the middle school, take a look at the new signs that have been put up using money from the iSpin committee. They really brighten things up!

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