Thursday, April 15, 2010

End of the year?

I can't believe how quickly the end of the year is approaching! It seems like just yesterday we were outside for marching band!

The end of the year always brings a flurry of activities, so I thought I would update a little about our schedule.

6th grade band students (as well as 7-8 students who didn't participate in Feb.) are receiving solos this week to work on for a solo festival at the elementary on May 18th. These need to be practiced at home!

Our Fine Arts Night concert is on Monday, May 10th. Earlier in the day, the 7-8 band will perform for the 5th graders, who are coming up to tour the building in preparation for the next school year.

On Thursday, May 27th at 7PM, we will be having 8th grade promotion. Both the 6th and 7th grade bands perform, as well as the 7-8 choir.

Keep these dates in mind! We are busy up through the end of the school year!

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