Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Getting students to practice is one of the most frustrating parts of my job. It's not always fun to do, students have to make time to do it and it must become a habit. Sometimes middle school students just don't want to do it. Plain and simple. The fact of the matter is, sometimes they just need to be told to do it--even if it means setting the timer for 15 or 20 minutes. The way I look at it, practicing an instrument is their band homework. Just as it is important to do math and English homework, the same is true for playing an instrument. Students aren't going to get better at skills that they don't practice.

I understand that there are a lot of things that take time in today's world, but homework is important. The following link is an article about some research done showing the relationship between practicing and increased test scores. It's really interesting because more areas appear to be impacted than previously thought! More evidence of the importance of music in schools and practicing at home!


Have a great Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Solo/Ensemble, Butterbraids, Word of the Week

7-8 band students are to sign up this week for solo/ensemble options. Every 7-8 student is required to participate in some way, but students may choose whether to work on a solo or in a small group. The group must get approved by me, mainly for music selection reasons. I am hoping to have students with copies of music during the first week in December. The festival will be at the beginning of February and will again be at PCM. This year, however, it will be on a weekday night.

ButterBraids will be delivered to the school on Friday. Hopefully they will be packed up, ready to go right at the end of the day--I probably won't be getting back to the middle school with them until about 3, so it may be a tight squeeze. Students should stop by the band room during RAPP to have them picked up.

This week's Word of the Week is SOLI.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Des Moines Register Column

I encourage everyone to read the column at the following link. Diane Franken is the Executive Director for the Iowa Alliance for Arts Education. The article is well written and a great example of the roll that the arts play in the education of our students! It ran in the Des Moines Register today, November 17th.


Sunday, November 16, 2008

Play along online

I had intended to write more this weekend, but have not been feeling well.

In my searching for interesting things online, I discovered a website called www.mrgolding.com. This site has some fun basic songs for brass instruments, but what is neat is that the songs have accompaniment that plays along online. Just be sure to select the correct instrument! Christmas songs have just been posted! It may take some time to load, but it is worth exploring!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Karl Killinger

I was going to post something else this evening, but as I was reading the Des Moines Register today, I noticed the passing of an important individual.

Karl Killinger was a band director in the central part of the state for many, many years. He grew up being around one of the most famous Iowa composers--Karl King. He was quite a musician in his own right, winning competitions on several different instruments.

As I was reading his obituary in the Register, I noticed something particularly interesting--Mr. Killinger was a one-time band director at Mingo High School! While I never met Mr. Killinger, he was well known in his profession and good at what he did. It is a loss for the music education community, as well as for Mingo, Iowa.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Details for the week

Sorry it has been a week since I have posted! Many things taking up my time.

Due to a Veteran's Day assembly at the high school on Tuesday, there will be no jazz band at Mingo on Tuesday morning. Transportation issues won't allow for rehearsal to happen.

This coming Wednesday is an early out. If you remember, the last early out day had students with lessons the first half of each period having their lessons. This time it is those who usually have lessons the second half of each period with lessons. Those sutents should come to the band room right away at the beginning of the period. Students who usually have lessons at the beginning of the period will not have lessons this week.

Look for some interesting postings later in the week!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Miscellaneous Items

A couple reminders--

Fundraiser forms are due back for band students on Monday, November. 3rd

There will be no jazz band on Wednesday, November 5th. There WILL be jazz band tomorrow, November, 3rd.