Monday, August 25, 2008

Finally Up and Running

Well, it took considerably longer to get this blog up and running than I really wanted to, but I finally had a chance to sit down and get it done. The plan is, throughout the year as regularly as possible, to update about what is going on in the CMMS music dept. 7-8 Band has become a daily class this year, as opposed to every other. I am really excited about the possibilities that will be available through this change. We are working on several songs and I will link audio recordings of the pieces when I get a chance.

6th grade band is up and running too, and we have now had 2 days of actual playing. The group is a little smaller this year, but I am hoping to encourage some of those who didn't continue from 5th grade to rejoin us!

This year I have also taken on the challenge of directing the middle school choirs. 6th grade choir is a required class and students attend once per week. They 6th graders will perform at 2 concerts, one in December and the other in May.

I am excited about the possibilities of the 7-8 choir. There are about 30 energetic students who are willing and excited to learn.

As the year goes, be sure to check the CM website for updates about upcoming events, and I will also try to highlight those here. Right now, band students need to return their band handbook forms by this Friday!

I look to add pictures and maybe recordings of rehearsals as we go through the year! Check back often for updates!

1 comment:

KJL said...

Looks good, Wipp! Can't wait to see some of the pictures you've taken!