Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Quarter Projects

Each quarter, band students are required to do quarter projects. Essentially, these are things that are related to music in some way or another that we wouldn't have time to dive into in class. It's a way for students to connect and find something that may specifically interest them. 6th grade students need to complete one per quarter, 7th and 8th need to complete two. The list below is what appears in the band handbook that was sent home at the beginning of the year. It is by no means an all-inclusive list. I will certainly accept other ideas, as long as they are run by me first.

1. Memorize major scales and play for Mr. Wipperman—different scales each quarter!
6th grade—1 scale, 1 octave
7th grade—2 scales, 1 octave
8th grade—2 scales, 2 octaves where possible

2. Memorize and perform a chromatic scale, any tempo—only once per school year.
6th grade—1 octave
7th grade—2 octaves
8th grade—full playing range of instrument

3. Percussionists- memorize and perform 4 snare drum rudiments for the instructor.

4. Pass the next 6 pages in your lesson book.

5. Prepare and perform a solo or an ensemble outside of school. Write a short reflection about the performance. This does not include required solo/ensemble for the judge. (Parent initials required.)

6. Count, Clap, or play 3 pages of rhythm exercises for Mr. Wipperman—see Mr. W. for details.

7. Log 8 hours of practice time at home- keep a journal, highlighting your progress/struggles, etc. parent signature required—short entries (no novels necessary!)

8. Take weekly private lessons outside of school- have instructor complete an evaluation at the end of each quarter.

9. Devise a question or two for a composer of one of our concert pieces. After Mr. W’s approval, contact the composer and share his/her response with the band. (Questions must be written 2 weeks prior to the end of the quarter)

10. Practice and perform outside of school in some type of ensemble: duet, trio, etc. Parent initials required.

11. Keep a band rehearsal journal for 1 quarter: write short entries outlining strengths, weaknesses, other thoughts.

12. Attend one concert you do not perform in: fill out a critique sheet (see Mr. Wipperman).

13. Pick one of the following types of music: Concert band, Jazz, classical. Listen for 5 minutes 3times per week. Keep a journal of your thoughts (minimum 15 short entries).

14. Create a warm-up exercise for the band that will help us improve on a skill or concept tied to one of our concert pieces- after Mr. W gives approval, conduct the warm up in rehearsal. (Must be different from what we usually do)

15. Research and write an introduction to one of our concert pieces—introduce the piece at the concert.

If you have Mac at home, talk to Mr. Wipperman about some other items. Other suggestions are welcome and encouraged, just okay it with Mr. Wipperman first!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Homecoming Week and Quarter Projects

Homecoming week is here. I am always curious to see how students will participate for the dress up days. There are always some very creative ideas! While it's supposed to be a fun week, there are still things that need to happen educationally. For example, the 7-8 band performs in the parade on Friday. With only 2 more practices left, we have some work to do. The group is improving--they sounded great on Friday and their marching is much improved!

Along those lines, there is just over 1 month left in the quarter. Band students (6-8) need to be working on some quarter projects, or extra items. There was a list of suggestions in the band handbook that went home at the beginning of the year. Some students have been proactive in their communication with me about them and some have not. PLEASE encourage your student to get working on these so it is not a last minute panic situation! It's better for everyone involved.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Magazine Sales

Yesterday we had an assembly where we kicked off our annual magazine sales fundraiser. The students usually have a good time at the assembly, with chances to win money always being a big hit!

This is the big way we raise money to help support our building. In the past, the money raised has been used for many things, including our Manners Meal in April. Students really enjoy the trip and learn a lot through the process. All the fundraiser involves is renewing or purchasing magazine subscriptions through QSP, with the middle school receiving a percentage of the sales. Please help out our building in the next 2 weeks!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Marching Band

One of the big changes between 6th and 7-8 band is the addition of marching band. Until you experience it, it's hard to imagine the coordination, stamina and effort really needed for success. Not only do you have to move playing your instrument (typically playing is a sitting thing), but you must do it in step, outside, carrying both your instrument and your music. Easier for some instruments than others! Imagine a big bass drum strapped to your front, or a 35-40 pound sousaphone on your shoulder acting like a big sail!

The last several rehearsals, the 7-8 band has come a long way on our marching band efforts! Last Wednesday, we couldn't even make it through the tune sitting inside. Today we were getting ready to march around the school while playing it. Hooray for them!! We have 6 more practices until the homecoming parade, with 2 being on early outs. Hopefully the weather holds!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Ruben's Train

In 7-8 choir yesterday, I promised I'd link to one of the songs we are working on. Here's the link to Ruben's Train. Just click MP3 link.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Iowa v. ISU

This is something I look forward to every year. The Iowa-ISU football game is always hyped up a lot in the press in Iowa, and we do our fair share of promoting it at the middle school as well. It's always fun to see students and teachers decked out in their team's gear. The end of the day includes a pep rally in the gym with live music by the band director (that's me) and a tug of war competition. This year it's going to include some "Minute to Win It" games with fans of the respective teams! It should be a great day!

If any of the band students want copies, I have the Iowa and ISU fight songs written out! They just have to ask!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Marching Band

Yes, we have a marching band! 7-8 band students spend the first month or so of school working on basic marching skills in preparation for the Homecoming Parade. The previous 2 weeks have been spent rehearsing our tune for the parade--Louie, Louie--but starting tomorrow, we will be playing outside! All members need to have a lyre and flip folder to hold their music. Instruments being rented from the school are covered by the school. I am going to Rieman's tonight to pick up the needed flip folders and lyres. Items will be charged to the student's ButterBraid account.

It's an exciting thing, but I hope it isn't as windy as it is today! 3 weeks to go!

Friday, September 3, 2010


That's my big word for the year. I am making a big effort to improve and increase my communicaiton with teachers, with students and with parents. I have already been in email contact with several parents and I really hope to continue to add more to that list. I have also encouraged the students to communicate with me about when they will be gone, issues that have come up in rehearsal and other related things and I have been very pleased with their responsibility so far!

Thanks to those of you who have emailed me with questions. I do my best to try to reply as quickly as I can. I don't always have the information right away, but I can find out and get back to you.

Good luck to the high school marching band tonight! I hope everyone has a great holiday! I, for one, am really looking forward to an extra day with my family!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Band Parents

There was a nice article about a DM Roosevelt band parent in the Sunday Register. She talks about how much it takes to keep a band program--especially marching band--up and running! It really gives perspective on how much time and effort it takes. It's a great read and not too long. http://www.desmoinesregister.com/article/20100829/LIFE/8290304/-1/caucus/She-s-crazy-bout-a-sharp-dressed-band