Friday, January 29, 2010


ITBS tests are coming to an end, but solo/ensemble is drawing ever closer. I hope to have a performance schedule for Feb. 11th very soon--if not today, then hopefully by Monday. The snow days have really wreaked havoc with planning for this event, from schedules to lesson times! More than enough stress for one event! Be planning now if there is a need for alternate transportation to PCM for the festival. Lets get things arranged ahead of time so there are no last minute.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Finally, we have started testing. Although it looks like we may have school until July, at least we are getting rolling on the testing. I am proctoring the test for 8th graders and I was pleased yesterday with how seriously the group I had took the tests. Hopefully this continues through the next couple days and the results show in the scores!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Ok--enough ice

So the snow/ice days keep piling up. At least right now, students are still done before the Memorial Day weekend. Gotta look for the positives.

One of the negatives of this last storm was the cancellation of an honor band I was supposed to take 3 students to participate in. Not only is it a good experience for them--working with great students from other districts and an awesome guest conductor--but it is also a chance for me to re-energize (yes, teachers need that!). Hopefully it can get rescheduled.

On another note, the solo festival is 3 weeks from today at PCM Middle School. Most 7-8 students have been working on something. If you haven't heard it at home--ask about it. Practice time is something that has been lacking in the last several weeks! It needs to happen! We can talk about things to improve on in lessons, but if it doesn't get reinforced during practice time, rarely will students internalize that information. It's just like homework, only more fun. :)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


One of the organizations I belong to, Iowa Alliance for Arts Education (IAAE), puts out a monthly newsletter with info pertaining to music education. The one I received today had a great article about some research concerning music lessons and the brain. It's only about a 4 minute read, but some very good information, reinforcing the importance of music education--especially in middle school students!

Friday, January 15, 2010

A new semester

With the "extra" break we had at the end of last week, along with the start of a new semester and new music, I haven't had much time to write. Hopefully I'll be able to get back to it more regularly now.

The new year always brings a flurry of activity in the music dept. As I mentioned, we have new music for all the groups. It is always really exciting to start fresh after working on music for so long. Something new is always welcome. On the other hand, it can be very frustrating. The other music was at a level where we knew it well enough that we could play large parts without a problem. Exploring the new music really makes students (and the director) think and work. As a result we have to do little bits and pieces at a time--something that can be frustrating for everyone involved! The key is patience!

A couple of side notes:

7-8 band students have solo/ensemble festival at PCM on February 11th. Most have had a piece they have been working on for a while. Remind them to practice! In the next 2 weeks or so, I should have a schedule of performance times for the 11th. All will be scheduled between 4 and 8 PM. and are at 5 minute intervals. Not a huge time commitment, but some great feedback.

I am gone for various things several times in the month. I had a Technology in the Iowa Core Curriculum for Learning on Monday. Next Thursday I'll be taking 3 students to the Simpson College honor band. On the 26th, I'll be at the iSpin meeting in West Des Moines. It is frustrating for me to be gone because I hate missing rehearsals. It is hard to get stuff accomplished when there is no sub or not a musically aware sub. I try to have the things that we do during that time be productive and thoughtful. For example, on Monday 7-8 band students wrote 2 paragraphs on whether it was important to have music education in schools. Some good thoughts from the students on both sides. That being said, when I miss a day, that is a day of prep that we lose for the concert, and that is always a challenge.

I think that is probably enough for now. I hope everyone has a great and restful weekend!

Monday, January 4, 2010

January brings school--and cold!

I had a great holiday break and hope you all did as well, but we are back at it for the second half of the school year. From solos to concerts to honor bands and more, there are lots of things to get done from here to the end of the year! One of the unfortunate things that comes with this time of year is the cold. I am not a big fan of having high temps in the single digits below zero! The wind here in Mingo makes it very cold to walk back and forth to the main building! Too bad there is no bathroom here in the band room.

Anyway, we will start up with jazz band again on Wednesday, Jan. 6th. There will not be practice on Monday, Jan. 11th, as I will be in a meeting all day in Johnston.

I am still looking for a volunteer to do some accompanying for students with solos. I am able to do some of it, but all of it is a bit much for my piano skills. If you know of someone who is interested, please let me know ASAP!

Stay warm!