When we get back from break, the entire middle school is going to be taking a trip to the Science Center of Iowa to explore the life and times of Leonardo DaVinci. Before we go on that trip, staff members are working on developing lessons that will give students some background information about the time period.
All students will have the opportunity to explore 2 arts related websites that are listed on the Academics link on our web page. One is from a school in California that has a great music history web page. It has lots of interaction opportunities. The second is from Iowa State University and has pictures, descriptions and sound clips of period instruments.
There are some interesting things! Take a look if you are interested!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
7-8 Band Solo/Ensemble
7-8 band students will be working on solos/small ensembles for the next month and a half in their lessons. In 5th and 6th grade, all are required to play a solo for a judge's feedback. In 7th and 8th, students can either play a solo or be part of a small ensemble (duet, trio, etc.). Our performance date for these solos is Feb. 10th at PCM Middle School. The judges will provide feedback to the students and give them a rating from I+(highly superior) through III. It's a great chance to hear some comments from someone other than me!
Today is the last day to sign up for small groups. Those names not on the list will receive a solo. It is my hope that all 7-8 students would have their solo/ensemble music before they leave for break.
Today is the last day to sign up for small groups. Those names not on the list will receive a solo. It is my hope that all 7-8 students would have their solo/ensemble music before they leave for break.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
With the last cold blast of air I have realized that it isn't Fall anymore. Getting up early for jazz band gets a little harder this time of year. Kudos to those students who are routinely making all 3 rehearsals for jazz band! This is going above and beyond!
Our concert is fast approaching! Dec. 21 is going to be here sooner than we think! I'm going to send a note home next week about the concert, but here are just a few preliminary details.
Where: Middle School
When: Dec. 21 at 7PM
Who: 6-8 Band, 7-8 Choir, 6th Grade chorus, jazz band
How long: The concert should last no more than an hour and 15 minutes
Students are expected to dress nicely--no jeans or tennis shoes if at all possible. I do have some extra, clean, fairly fashionable clothing (including pants) if any should need that. Don't hesitate to ask me!
Our concert is fast approaching! Dec. 21 is going to be here sooner than we think! I'm going to send a note home next week about the concert, but here are just a few preliminary details.
Where: Middle School
When: Dec. 21 at 7PM
Who: 6-8 Band, 7-8 Choir, 6th Grade chorus, jazz band
How long: The concert should last no more than an hour and 15 minutes
Students are expected to dress nicely--no jeans or tennis shoes if at all possible. I do have some extra, clean, fairly fashionable clothing (including pants) if any should need that. Don't hesitate to ask me!
Monday, November 22, 2010
I would like to apologize for the one day delay some of you will have in receiving your orders. The delivery person did not arrive at the high school until 3:00 today, making it impossible for me to package orders and get them back to the middle school by 3:05. All orders are at the middle school as of this time and will be sent home on Tuesday!
Sorry for any inconvenience.
Sorry for any inconvenience.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Practicing Tips/Suggestions
I can't believe it's been 2 weeks since I put something up here--my apologies. As the school year rolls on, lots of things pull and tug for time and this has been moved to the back burner.
I am going to use this post to talk about practicing. While not always fun, it's the main way in which students improve. During our lessons, we discuss new ideas/concepts and this is the time students get to "practice" these skills. It really is like homework. Or maybe it would be better if we called homework "practice."
Making practice effective comes partially in it's regularity, not necessarily in its length. 10-15 minutes a day, 3 times per week is considerably more effective than one 90 minute marathon practice session. The reinforcement is repeated, which promotes the retention of the information.
Set a regular schedule for practicing, the same time each day of practice. Maybe even set the timer for 10-15 minutes. While it should be fun most of the time, it's not all the time. Sometimes it takes encouragement to get started. Once practice has begun, that fun will, more often than not, appear and the time will fly by.
I am going to use this post to talk about practicing. While not always fun, it's the main way in which students improve. During our lessons, we discuss new ideas/concepts and this is the time students get to "practice" these skills. It really is like homework. Or maybe it would be better if we called homework "practice."
Making practice effective comes partially in it's regularity, not necessarily in its length. 10-15 minutes a day, 3 times per week is considerably more effective than one 90 minute marathon practice session. The reinforcement is repeated, which promotes the retention of the information.
Set a regular schedule for practicing, the same time each day of practice. Maybe even set the timer for 10-15 minutes. While it should be fun most of the time, it's not all the time. Sometimes it takes encouragement to get started. Once practice has begun, that fun will, more often than not, appear and the time will fly by.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
More than an election
Along with yesterday being election day and my wife's birthday, I had the opportunity to take 3 students to the South Central Iowa Bandmasters Association (SCIBA) Honor Band in Johnston. Nicholas, Michael and Kathryn spent the afternoon working with guest conductors and students from about50 area schools working on music they received a couple weeks ago. Last night, they put on a concert--absolutely wonderful. It is amazing how talented students can come together and make such great music.
For the CM students, it was a great chance to see what it is like playing in a band of about 100 students! Quite a different experience than what they are used to doing. The top 8th graders in the auditioned "Blue" band were selected to perform as part of the All Iowa 8th Grade Honor Band in May at the Iowa Bandmasters Conference. Lots of hard work and preparation goes into something like this, but the end result is awesome! Hopefully this experience will remind all those involved of the importance of the arts in education!
For the CM students, it was a great chance to see what it is like playing in a band of about 100 students! Quite a different experience than what they are used to doing. The top 8th graders in the auditioned "Blue" band were selected to perform as part of the All Iowa 8th Grade Honor Band in May at the Iowa Bandmasters Conference. Lots of hard work and preparation goes into something like this, but the end result is awesome! Hopefully this experience will remind all those involved of the importance of the arts in education!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
I just wanted to say thanks to the parents I saw on Tuesday evening! Despite the wind, it was a great turnout. One of my classes had 1/3 of the students accounted for, and that was the lowest turnout of all my classes. I am excited to see/meet a bunch more parents tonight! I am also very much looking forward to a 3-day weekend!
On another note, we started Butterbraid sales on Wednesday. Money earned goes to individual student accounts maintained by the music boosters for purchase of supplies (reeds, books, oil, etc.) and eventually can be put toward defraying the cost of trips in high school. Selling is completely optional, but the Butterbraids taste really good!
On another note, we started Butterbraid sales on Wednesday. Money earned goes to individual student accounts maintained by the music boosters for purchase of supplies (reeds, books, oil, etc.) and eventually can be put toward defraying the cost of trips in high school. Selling is completely optional, but the Butterbraids taste really good!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Quarter and Conferences
I can't believe that the first quarter is almost finished! It is amazing how quickly things move during the school year. I guess that means we should be half-ready for our concert in December, but it never seems to work out that way, especially as the 7-8 band transitions from marching to concert band.
With Friday being the end of the quarter, grading is in the forefront in the minds of lots of people. For band students, their quarter projects are due Friday--no exceptions--because grades are due to the office on Tuesday. Hopefully report cards will be ready and available to pick up next week at conferences. I really hope you will take time and come in to talk with all the teachers. Communication is important to the success of all those involved with educating students! All teachers will be located in the gym, so feel free to bounce around and talk with those who are available!
Hope to see you next week!
With Friday being the end of the quarter, grading is in the forefront in the minds of lots of people. For band students, their quarter projects are due Friday--no exceptions--because grades are due to the office on Tuesday. Hopefully report cards will be ready and available to pick up next week at conferences. I really hope you will take time and come in to talk with all the teachers. Communication is important to the success of all those involved with educating students! All teachers will be located in the gym, so feel free to bounce around and talk with those who are available!
Hope to see you next week!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Jazz Band
On Monday, we move to a new phase of the year and start jazz band rehearsals before school. Jazz band is open to 7th and 8th grade band students who are willing to make a commitment to rehearse before school and who want to learn about jazz. We spend a lot of time talking about the basics of jazz and building a good foundation from which to grow.
Since it can be difficult for students who live in Colfax to make a rehearsal in Mingo before school, I have made a compromise--we rehearse at the elem. on Monday and Wednesday at 7:15 and in Mingo to Tuesday at 7:30. I do this hoping that students can make 2 of the 3 practices.
Since it can be difficult for students who live in Colfax to make a rehearsal in Mingo before school, I have made a compromise--we rehearse at the elem. on Monday and Wednesday at 7:15 and in Mingo to Tuesday at 7:30. I do this hoping that students can make 2 of the 3 practices.
Friday, October 8, 2010
7-8 band recordings
Here are links to a couple of songs we are playing in concert band for the winter concert.
Royal Empire Overture
Castles and Dragons
Christmas Montage--I was unable to find a recording of this tune. Seems like it is out of print.
Royal Empire Overture
Castles and Dragons
Christmas Montage--I was unable to find a recording of this tune. Seems like it is out of print.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Switch from Marching to Concert Band
I thought I would take a minute and recap what was a great marching season for us! I thought the 7-8 band did a great job marching in the parade last Friday! Our lines stayed fairly straight and the music sounded pretty good. I think the students were proud of their performance, as was I.
The switch to concert band is kind of a shock to the system, at least for me. New routines, new percussion instruments, new music, no more outside time! It takes a while to get into the flow of things again. We had developed a good rehearsal routine for marching band--now we have to practice like it's the first day of school again (well, close). Please encourage that the instruments go home and get practiced--that's how we get better. It's homework for band!
If anyone has pics from the parade, I'd love to have them if you are willing!
The switch to concert band is kind of a shock to the system, at least for me. New routines, new percussion instruments, new music, no more outside time! It takes a while to get into the flow of things again. We had developed a good rehearsal routine for marching band--now we have to practice like it's the first day of school again (well, close). Please encourage that the instruments go home and get practiced--that's how we get better. It's homework for band!
If anyone has pics from the parade, I'd love to have them if you are willing!
Friday, October 1, 2010
Homecoming is here! It's been lots of fun to see the middle school students dress up for the spirit days. There were some interesting costumes!
Today we get to have class for the first half of the day, with the excitement starting right before lunch. The seniors will come down to the middle school for a pep rally. It's nice for the students to hear what they have been involved in over their years in high school and what advice they have for the middle school kids!
Lunch happens outside, then it's our next reward day--homecoming games. These range from football throws, to sack races, to an egg toss. After that, we all get on buses and head to Colfax to watch or be a part of the parade. Come on down and cheer on the middle school band, cheerleaders and football and volleyball teams. Go CM!
Today we get to have class for the first half of the day, with the excitement starting right before lunch. The seniors will come down to the middle school for a pep rally. It's nice for the students to hear what they have been involved in over their years in high school and what advice they have for the middle school kids!
Lunch happens outside, then it's our next reward day--homecoming games. These range from football throws, to sack races, to an egg toss. After that, we all get on buses and head to Colfax to watch or be a part of the parade. Come on down and cheer on the middle school band, cheerleaders and football and volleyball teams. Go CM!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Quarter Projects
Each quarter, band students are required to do quarter projects. Essentially, these are things that are related to music in some way or another that we wouldn't have time to dive into in class. It's a way for students to connect and find something that may specifically interest them. 6th grade students need to complete one per quarter, 7th and 8th need to complete two. The list below is what appears in the band handbook that was sent home at the beginning of the year. It is by no means an all-inclusive list. I will certainly accept other ideas, as long as they are run by me first.
1. Memorize major scales and play for Mr. Wipperman—different scales each quarter!
6th grade—1 scale, 1 octave
7th grade—2 scales, 1 octave
8th grade—2 scales, 2 octaves where possible
2. Memorize and perform a chromatic scale, any tempo—only once per school year.
6th grade—1 octave
7th grade—2 octaves
8th grade—full playing range of instrument
3. Percussionists- memorize and perform 4 snare drum rudiments for the instructor.
4. Pass the next 6 pages in your lesson book.
5. Prepare and perform a solo or an ensemble outside of school. Write a short reflection about the performance. This does not include required solo/ensemble for the judge. (Parent initials required.)
6. Count, Clap, or play 3 pages of rhythm exercises for Mr. Wipperman—see Mr. W. for details.
7. Log 8 hours of practice time at home- keep a journal, highlighting your progress/struggles, etc. parent signature required—short entries (no novels necessary!)
8. Take weekly private lessons outside of school- have instructor complete an evaluation at the end of each quarter.
9. Devise a question or two for a composer of one of our concert pieces. After Mr. W’s approval, contact the composer and share his/her response with the band. (Questions must be written 2 weeks prior to the end of the quarter)
10. Practice and perform outside of school in some type of ensemble: duet, trio, etc. Parent initials required.
11. Keep a band rehearsal journal for 1 quarter: write short entries outlining strengths, weaknesses, other thoughts.
12. Attend one concert you do not perform in: fill out a critique sheet (see Mr. Wipperman).
13. Pick one of the following types of music: Concert band, Jazz, classical. Listen for 5 minutes 3times per week. Keep a journal of your thoughts (minimum 15 short entries).
14. Create a warm-up exercise for the band that will help us improve on a skill or concept tied to one of our concert pieces- after Mr. W gives approval, conduct the warm up in rehearsal. (Must be different from what we usually do)
15. Research and write an introduction to one of our concert pieces—introduce the piece at the concert.
If you have Mac at home, talk to Mr. Wipperman about some other items. Other suggestions are welcome and encouraged, just okay it with Mr. Wipperman first!
1. Memorize major scales and play for Mr. Wipperman—different scales each quarter!
6th grade—1 scale, 1 octave
7th grade—2 scales, 1 octave
8th grade—2 scales, 2 octaves where possible
2. Memorize and perform a chromatic scale, any tempo—only once per school year.
6th grade—1 octave
7th grade—2 octaves
8th grade—full playing range of instrument
3. Percussionists- memorize and perform 4 snare drum rudiments for the instructor.
4. Pass the next 6 pages in your lesson book.
5. Prepare and perform a solo or an ensemble outside of school. Write a short reflection about the performance. This does not include required solo/ensemble for the judge. (Parent initials required.)
6. Count, Clap, or play 3 pages of rhythm exercises for Mr. Wipperman—see Mr. W. for details.
7. Log 8 hours of practice time at home- keep a journal, highlighting your progress/struggles, etc. parent signature required—short entries (no novels necessary!)
8. Take weekly private lessons outside of school- have instructor complete an evaluation at the end of each quarter.
9. Devise a question or two for a composer of one of our concert pieces. After Mr. W’s approval, contact the composer and share his/her response with the band. (Questions must be written 2 weeks prior to the end of the quarter)
10. Practice and perform outside of school in some type of ensemble: duet, trio, etc. Parent initials required.
11. Keep a band rehearsal journal for 1 quarter: write short entries outlining strengths, weaknesses, other thoughts.
12. Attend one concert you do not perform in: fill out a critique sheet (see Mr. Wipperman).
13. Pick one of the following types of music: Concert band, Jazz, classical. Listen for 5 minutes 3times per week. Keep a journal of your thoughts (minimum 15 short entries).
14. Create a warm-up exercise for the band that will help us improve on a skill or concept tied to one of our concert pieces- after Mr. W gives approval, conduct the warm up in rehearsal. (Must be different from what we usually do)
15. Research and write an introduction to one of our concert pieces—introduce the piece at the concert.
If you have Mac at home, talk to Mr. Wipperman about some other items. Other suggestions are welcome and encouraged, just okay it with Mr. Wipperman first!
Monday, September 27, 2010
Homecoming Week and Quarter Projects
Homecoming week is here. I am always curious to see how students will participate for the dress up days. There are always some very creative ideas! While it's supposed to be a fun week, there are still things that need to happen educationally. For example, the 7-8 band performs in the parade on Friday. With only 2 more practices left, we have some work to do. The group is improving--they sounded great on Friday and their marching is much improved!
Along those lines, there is just over 1 month left in the quarter. Band students (6-8) need to be working on some quarter projects, or extra items. There was a list of suggestions in the band handbook that went home at the beginning of the year. Some students have been proactive in their communication with me about them and some have not. PLEASE encourage your student to get working on these so it is not a last minute panic situation! It's better for everyone involved.
Along those lines, there is just over 1 month left in the quarter. Band students (6-8) need to be working on some quarter projects, or extra items. There was a list of suggestions in the band handbook that went home at the beginning of the year. Some students have been proactive in their communication with me about them and some have not. PLEASE encourage your student to get working on these so it is not a last minute panic situation! It's better for everyone involved.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Magazine Sales
Yesterday we had an assembly where we kicked off our annual magazine sales fundraiser. The students usually have a good time at the assembly, with chances to win money always being a big hit!
This is the big way we raise money to help support our building. In the past, the money raised has been used for many things, including our Manners Meal in April. Students really enjoy the trip and learn a lot through the process. All the fundraiser involves is renewing or purchasing magazine subscriptions through QSP, with the middle school receiving a percentage of the sales. Please help out our building in the next 2 weeks!
This is the big way we raise money to help support our building. In the past, the money raised has been used for many things, including our Manners Meal in April. Students really enjoy the trip and learn a lot through the process. All the fundraiser involves is renewing or purchasing magazine subscriptions through QSP, with the middle school receiving a percentage of the sales. Please help out our building in the next 2 weeks!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Marching Band
One of the big changes between 6th and 7-8 band is the addition of marching band. Until you experience it, it's hard to imagine the coordination, stamina and effort really needed for success. Not only do you have to move playing your instrument (typically playing is a sitting thing), but you must do it in step, outside, carrying both your instrument and your music. Easier for some instruments than others! Imagine a big bass drum strapped to your front, or a 35-40 pound sousaphone on your shoulder acting like a big sail!
The last several rehearsals, the 7-8 band has come a long way on our marching band efforts! Last Wednesday, we couldn't even make it through the tune sitting inside. Today we were getting ready to march around the school while playing it. Hooray for them!! We have 6 more practices until the homecoming parade, with 2 being on early outs. Hopefully the weather holds!
The last several rehearsals, the 7-8 band has come a long way on our marching band efforts! Last Wednesday, we couldn't even make it through the tune sitting inside. Today we were getting ready to march around the school while playing it. Hooray for them!! We have 6 more practices until the homecoming parade, with 2 being on early outs. Hopefully the weather holds!
Friday, September 10, 2010
Ruben's Train
In 7-8 choir yesterday, I promised I'd link to one of the songs we are working on. Here's the link to Ruben's Train. Just click MP3 link.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Iowa v. ISU
This is something I look forward to every year. The Iowa-ISU football game is always hyped up a lot in the press in Iowa, and we do our fair share of promoting it at the middle school as well. It's always fun to see students and teachers decked out in their team's gear. The end of the day includes a pep rally in the gym with live music by the band director (that's me) and a tug of war competition. This year it's going to include some "Minute to Win It" games with fans of the respective teams! It should be a great day!
If any of the band students want copies, I have the Iowa and ISU fight songs written out! They just have to ask!
If any of the band students want copies, I have the Iowa and ISU fight songs written out! They just have to ask!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Marching Band
Yes, we have a marching band! 7-8 band students spend the first month or so of school working on basic marching skills in preparation for the Homecoming Parade. The previous 2 weeks have been spent rehearsing our tune for the parade--Louie, Louie--but starting tomorrow, we will be playing outside! All members need to have a lyre and flip folder to hold their music. Instruments being rented from the school are covered by the school. I am going to Rieman's tonight to pick up the needed flip folders and lyres. Items will be charged to the student's ButterBraid account.
It's an exciting thing, but I hope it isn't as windy as it is today! 3 weeks to go!
It's an exciting thing, but I hope it isn't as windy as it is today! 3 weeks to go!
Friday, September 3, 2010
That's my big word for the year. I am making a big effort to improve and increase my communicaiton with teachers, with students and with parents. I have already been in email contact with several parents and I really hope to continue to add more to that list. I have also encouraged the students to communicate with me about when they will be gone, issues that have come up in rehearsal and other related things and I have been very pleased with their responsibility so far!
Thanks to those of you who have emailed me with questions. I do my best to try to reply as quickly as I can. I don't always have the information right away, but I can find out and get back to you.
Good luck to the high school marching band tonight! I hope everyone has a great holiday! I, for one, am really looking forward to an extra day with my family!
Thanks to those of you who have emailed me with questions. I do my best to try to reply as quickly as I can. I don't always have the information right away, but I can find out and get back to you.
Good luck to the high school marching band tonight! I hope everyone has a great holiday! I, for one, am really looking forward to an extra day with my family!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Band Parents
There was a nice article about a DM Roosevelt band parent in the Sunday Register. She talks about how much it takes to keep a band program--especially marching band--up and running! It really gives perspective on how much time and effort it takes. It's a great read and not too long. http://www.desmoinesregister.com/article/20100829/LIFE/8290304/-1/caucus/She-s-crazy-bout-a-sharp-dressed-band
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Thanks for coming!
It was nice to see people last night at the open house! I always enjoy meeting the parents of the incoming 6th graders and reconnecting with parents of 7th and 8th graders. Those of you who have been to an open house at the middle school before, please let us know what you think of the change in format--whether it is good or bad. We are always looking to improve!
Monday, August 30, 2010
Open House
The middle school open house is tonight at 7! I enjoy it because it's a great chance to meet parents I don't know and a chance to reconnect with those I do. The ultimate goal being a better relationship as we strive together to educate students. It is a "team" effort and communication is the key!
The format for the evening will be a little different than in the past. Following a welcome, we will divide into grade levels for half an hour and we'll end with some true "open house" time where you can walk around as you please to meet and converse with the teachers. Should be a great night! Hope to see you here!
The format for the evening will be a little different than in the past. Following a welcome, we will divide into grade levels for half an hour and we'll end with some true "open house" time where you can walk around as you please to meet and converse with the teachers. Should be a great night! Hope to see you here!
Friday, August 27, 2010
One Week
As we wrap up the first week of the school year, I think things have gone really well. Both bands played on Wednesday and sounded okay, considering many hadn't played for at least a month! We also started working on music in choir yesterday, and it is going to be a fun group to work with. Lots of potential!
While I am excited, I am also ready for the weekend! I am not used to this schedule--I always forget how drained I am by the time the week is over. Hopefully over the weekend I'll be able to get some more pics up from the signs the iSpin committee worked to put up during vacation.
On a side note, if you would be interested in being a parent member of the iSpin committee, or want more information, shoot me an email.
While I am excited, I am also ready for the weekend! I am not used to this schedule--I always forget how drained I am by the time the week is over. Hopefully over the weekend I'll be able to get some more pics up from the signs the iSpin committee worked to put up during vacation.
On a side note, if you would be interested in being a parent member of the iSpin committee, or want more information, shoot me an email.
Monday, August 23, 2010
It has begun...
Despite the heat today and the delay from the flooding, we have successfully started a new school year. They first couple of days usually bring some chaos, with new students figuring out where to go, rules and procedures getting covered and class schedules changing! Quite a crazy time. Right now it looks like our numbers are down a little bit in both band and choir, but I am going to spend a little time the next couple of days re-recruiting some students! :) Music teachers are always fighting schedule battles (not that I want to be). There are some students who need a study hall, but from my experience, much time in study hall is wasted. Why not have another class? Learn something. Challenge yourself to be better.
The group of 6th grade band students really has me excited about this year! I think they are going to be so much fun to work with. I bought some new music this year with them in mind!
On a side note, when you get a chance to come to the middle school, take a look at the new signs that have been put up using money from the iSpin committee. They really brighten things up!
The group of 6th grade band students really has me excited about this year! I think they are going to be so much fun to work with. I bought some new music this year with them in mind!
On a side note, when you get a chance to come to the middle school, take a look at the new signs that have been put up using money from the iSpin committee. They really brighten things up!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
One of the things teachers do during the summer is take classes. Every five years, teachers need to renew their teaching licenses. This week I am taking a class on Mac's iLife. I am learning lot of things--very useful. While we only have PCs at school, I might be interested in getting one personally. Lots of handy things to do. Learning is a great thing to do throughout life!!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Just thought I would update a little on my "break."
I really enjoyed doing lessons during the month of June. It is a great opportunity to continue playing and a chance for me to work with new, current and former students! Always such fun!
I just got back from a 9 day trip to Colorado that included a family reunion and a trip to the Omaha Zoo (on what must have been the hottest day that has ever existed) the Omaha Botanical Gardens. What a great place to visit!
I now turn my mind to celebrating my daughter's first birthday and then to preparing for the school year. I am taking classes the last to weeks of July to renew my license and have already started planning next year's busy schedule!
Hope everyone is enjoying summer!
I really enjoyed doing lessons during the month of June. It is a great opportunity to continue playing and a chance for me to work with new, current and former students! Always such fun!
I just got back from a 9 day trip to Colorado that included a family reunion and a trip to the Omaha Zoo (on what must have been the hottest day that has ever existed) the Omaha Botanical Gardens. What a great place to visit!
I now turn my mind to celebrating my daughter's first birthday and then to preparing for the school year. I am taking classes the last to weeks of July to renew my license and have already started planning next year's busy schedule!
Hope everyone is enjoying summer!
Friday, May 28, 2010
It's over!
Well, the school year has ended (at least for the students). It is always a mix of emotions that I have at this time of year. I know I'll miss the students, but I also look forward to some (here and there) relax/refresh time.
The band and choir students did a great job at the 8th grade promotion event! I was really proud of the way they played and listened during the ceremony.
One final note about yesterday--I was surprised by my 8th grade students, both band and choir, with a card and a gift! I am really grateful for the tie and the Applebee's gift card! What I am really happy about is that I got a chance to work with such smart, talented, caring, thoughtful young people! That surprise absolutely made my week!
I'll have email access all summer and I'll be in to school fairly regularly throughout the summer if you need to contact me. I'll also try to blog periodically during the summer as well. Hope you all enjoy your summer!
The band and choir students did a great job at the 8th grade promotion event! I was really proud of the way they played and listened during the ceremony.
One final note about yesterday--I was surprised by my 8th grade students, both band and choir, with a card and a gift! I am really grateful for the tie and the Applebee's gift card! What I am really happy about is that I got a chance to work with such smart, talented, caring, thoughtful young people! That surprise absolutely made my week!
I'll have email access all summer and I'll be in to school fairly regularly throughout the summer if you need to contact me. I'll also try to blog periodically during the summer as well. Hope you all enjoy your summer!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Summer Lessons!
The summer lesson schedule has been posted on the music page of the middle school website. Lessons will start the week of June 7th. If there are questions or concerns, please let me know!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Just a reminder that our last event of the year, 8th grade promotion, will take place tomorrow evening. Band and choir students should be at the middle school at 7PM, with the event lasting about an hour. Hopefully it will be nice and cool in the gym :) and things will go smoothly!
I want to thank everyone for an awesome year! It has been great! In June and July I play in the Ankeny Community Band--the one time of year I get to play my instrument (tuba) and refresh a little. I am looking forward to doing summer lessons and having a much needed vacation the first half of July before taking some classes in the second half of the month to renew my teaching license. Then when August rolls around, back for marching band prep! It never ends!
Summer lesson schedules will be done and posted tomorrow!
I want to thank everyone for an awesome year! It has been great! In June and July I play in the Ankeny Community Band--the one time of year I get to play my instrument (tuba) and refresh a little. I am looking forward to doing summer lessons and having a much needed vacation the first half of July before taking some classes in the second half of the month to renew my teaching license. Then when August rolls around, back for marching band prep! It never ends!
Summer lesson schedules will be done and posted tomorrow!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
8th grade promotion
Just a reminder that 8th grade promotion will take place on Thursday, May 27th at 7pm in the middle school gym. Both the 6th and 7th grade band students are required to be at this event, as well as the 7-8 choir. The event should be shorter this year without the large number of awards that have been handed out in the past. We were able to award those on a different night. I am hoping the evening should only last from 45 min. to 1 hour.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Solo Festival
Awesome job to those who performed solos last night! There were some outstanding performances! It takes commitment and some guts to get out there and perform a solo. The judge gave some great feedback.
I was disappointed in the number of students who just plain didn't show up. Illness is certainly excused, but we as a group can do better about being responsible and being prepared.
I was disappointed in the number of students who just plain didn't show up. Illness is certainly excused, but we as a group can do better about being responsible and being prepared.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
I have been fortunate the last 2 days to spend time at the Iowa Bandmasters Association Conference. It is a wonderful opportunity to network, socialize and learn some things to help me be a better educator. It is a wonderfully refreshing time--something that is much needed at this point in the school year. The keynote address was given by Dr. Tim Lautzenheiser--one of the people who wrote the Essential Elements 2000 lesson book. This is the 2nd time I have heard him speak and he is just wonderful. Very motivating! I am looking forward to returning to school Monday for the last 10 days of the year!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
Concert Day!
I always enjoy concert days--it's a lot of stress, but also a lot of fun.
The 5th graders came up today for a tour of the middle school and sat in on our rehearsal (really more of a concert run through). It was a great chance for us to play for someone before the concert. I think they really enjoyed it!
Tomorrow I will post information for the band solo festival coming up next week, as well as information about summer band lessons. I'll also try to remember to post a link here.
Hope to see everyone at the concert!
The 5th graders came up today for a tour of the middle school and sat in on our rehearsal (really more of a concert run through). It was a great chance for us to play for someone before the concert. I think they really enjoyed it!
Tomorrow I will post information for the band solo festival coming up next week, as well as information about summer band lessons. I'll also try to remember to post a link here.
Hope to see everyone at the concert!
Friday, May 7, 2010
Iowa Journal--IPTV
Last night, the IPTV show Iowa Journal hosted a discussion about budget cuts in the education in the state, with the discussion centering around music education. I only caught the first half of the program because of bath time for my daughter, but it appeared like a great discussion about the importance of music education in the state. It reairs tonight at 6:30 on IPTV and Saturday at 8:30 AM on IPTV World. Also, take a look at the Iowa Journal website for more info!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
For the concert on Monday, the following groups should be at the middle school at the following times:
7-8 choir--choir room @ 6:30
6-8 band--Mr. Ruden's room @ 6:40
6th grade choir--bleachers at 6:50
On the 18th, 6th graders (and some 7-8 band students) are playing solos at the elem. for a judge. Everyone will be assigned a time between 4 and 8PM. If there are any special time requests, please let me know ASAP so I can take that into account when making the schedule.
8th grade promotion is on the 27th. Choir should be here at 6:30 in the choir room, 6-7 band at 6:40 in the band room.
7-8 choir--choir room @ 6:30
6-8 band--Mr. Ruden's room @ 6:40
6th grade choir--bleachers at 6:50
On the 18th, 6th graders (and some 7-8 band students) are playing solos at the elem. for a judge. Everyone will be assigned a time between 4 and 8PM. If there are any special time requests, please let me know ASAP so I can take that into account when making the schedule.
8th grade promotion is on the 27th. Choir should be here at 6:30 in the choir room, 6-7 band at 6:40 in the band room.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Manners Meal
Friday is our annual Manners Meal that will take place at the Hotel Ft. Des Moines. It has been really fun working with the students on manners and having them discuss what they do and why think some of the manners are "dumb." It makes for some great discussion and thought process things!
It's also really nice to see the students get dressed up--it's amazing how much better their behavior is when they are dressed nicely. Maybe we need uniforms :)
It's also really nice to see the students get dressed up--it's amazing how much better their behavior is when they are dressed nicely. Maybe we need uniforms :)
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Simpson Honor Band
On Tuesday, I took 3 CM students to an honor band at Simpson College. It was originally scheduled for January, but due to the crazy weather we had, it was postponed. I was glad they were able to reschedule--it's always nice for students to get the opportunity to learn from another director. This year, the CM students were part of a group under Derek Stratton, middle school band director at Pella. It was a great concert and a great time!

Thursday, April 15, 2010
End of the year?
I can't believe how quickly the end of the year is approaching! It seems like just yesterday we were outside for marching band!
The end of the year always brings a flurry of activities, so I thought I would update a little about our schedule.
6th grade band students (as well as 7-8 students who didn't participate in Feb.) are receiving solos this week to work on for a solo festival at the elementary on May 18th. These need to be practiced at home!
Our Fine Arts Night concert is on Monday, May 10th. Earlier in the day, the 7-8 band will perform for the 5th graders, who are coming up to tour the building in preparation for the next school year.
On Thursday, May 27th at 7PM, we will be having 8th grade promotion. Both the 6th and 7th grade bands perform, as well as the 7-8 choir.
Keep these dates in mind! We are busy up through the end of the school year!
The end of the year always brings a flurry of activities, so I thought I would update a little about our schedule.
6th grade band students (as well as 7-8 students who didn't participate in Feb.) are receiving solos this week to work on for a solo festival at the elementary on May 18th. These need to be practiced at home!
Our Fine Arts Night concert is on Monday, May 10th. Earlier in the day, the 7-8 band will perform for the 5th graders, who are coming up to tour the building in preparation for the next school year.
On Thursday, May 27th at 7PM, we will be having 8th grade promotion. Both the 6th and 7th grade bands perform, as well as the 7-8 choir.
Keep these dates in mind! We are busy up through the end of the school year!
Friday, April 9, 2010
Budget cuts not just a school music issue
I did my student teaching at Hampton-Dumont. They have an absolutely phenomenal music program in that district and a strong tradition of a summer community band. There is a great article by Kyle Munson in the Des Moines Register this morning about the band shell at Band Shell Park in Hampton and the disrepair it is in.
I was lucky enough to work a little with Brian Stevens when I was student teaching--an incredible teacher and individual! Check it out here.
I was lucky enough to work a little with Brian Stevens when I was student teaching--an incredible teacher and individual! Check it out here.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
I hope everyone had a great holiday break! I spent way too much of mine in a car, but got to see a lot of family!
The end of break signals to me that we are in the home stretch of the school year. Fine Arts Night (May 10th) and solos (May 18th) in May and 8th grade promotion at the end of the month (May 27th). Everything we do will push to those events. As you can see, we work right up to the end of the school year! Hopefully everyone is rested and ready to go for this last month and a half!
The end of break signals to me that we are in the home stretch of the school year. Fine Arts Night (May 10th) and solos (May 18th) in May and 8th grade promotion at the end of the month (May 27th). Everything we do will push to those events. As you can see, we work right up to the end of the school year! Hopefully everyone is rested and ready to go for this last month and a half!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Assembly and Break
Trooper Doug Cutts was here today for an assembly on cell phones, texting and sexting. He did a great job at explaining to the students about the dangers and problems that exist with technology today. Students did a great job of paying attention and hopefully got the message.
The weather has been great the last couple of days--almost made me forget about winter! Break is coming at a good time--everyone needs a chance to get out of the routine and to enjoy the weather, family and friends. Because there is no school until Wednesday, April 7th, I am telling all my band students today that instruments need to go home and get practiced at some point over break. So many kids could progress so much faster with just a little bit of practice--and that makes the whole group better.
The weather has been great the last couple of days--almost made me forget about winter! Break is coming at a good time--everyone needs a chance to get out of the routine and to enjoy the weather, family and friends. Because there is no school until Wednesday, April 7th, I am telling all my band students today that instruments need to go home and get practiced at some point over break. So many kids could progress so much faster with just a little bit of practice--and that makes the whole group better.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Jasper County Honor Band
Tomorrow I'll be taking 15 students to the Jasper Co. Honor Band in Newton. It is a great event--a chance for students in Jasper Co. to be recognized for their outstanding work. The 7 middle schools in Jasper Co. each bring students to the event and they get to work with a guest conductor to prepare the music for an evening concert.
This year's conductor is Dr. Craig Hancock of Wartburg College. It is a special treat for me because Dr. Hancock was my director at Wartburg. Not only that, he also was my tuba lesson instructor! I am thrilled to have him coming to this part of the state to work with some awesome middle school students! 15 is more than I have taken to this honor band in the past, but we have a great group of students this year and they deserve a chance to have this opportunity!
The concert is a 7pm at the Newton High School auditorium. There is a nominal entrance fee and it should be a great event. Feel free to come enjoy the music!
This year's conductor is Dr. Craig Hancock of Wartburg College. It is a special treat for me because Dr. Hancock was my director at Wartburg. Not only that, he also was my tuba lesson instructor! I am thrilled to have him coming to this part of the state to work with some awesome middle school students! 15 is more than I have taken to this honor band in the past, but we have a great group of students this year and they deserve a chance to have this opportunity!
The concert is a 7pm at the Newton High School auditorium. There is a nominal entrance fee and it should be a great event. Feel free to come enjoy the music!
Monday, March 22, 2010
I had the opportunity to see a great show last weekend at the Newton Community Theater. Annie was great--even better was that a CM student was playing the lead and did a phenomenal job! If you get a chance, go this weekend and check it out. Danielle is playing the part of Annie on Friday at 7:30 and Sunday at 2:30--at least I think that is the matinee time. Tickets are $15 are are very well worth it!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
In an effort to include more and more technology in my instruction, I have started to use PowerPoint with the 7-8 choir. I essentially project the lesson/rehearsal plan on the wall for them to see as we go through class. I am hoping to do much more with it, but it has some benefits that I have already seen:
1) I don't spend as much time giving rehearsal numbers and discussing where we are working and what we are working on. If students have a question, it is right there projected on the wall.
2) My handwriting is way more difficult to read than is typing, so this way my lesson plans are legible.
I asked the students at the end of last rehearsal if they enjoyed having it up there and it was a nearly unanimous "yes." Hopefully I will be able to continue doing it!
1) I don't spend as much time giving rehearsal numbers and discussing where we are working and what we are working on. If students have a question, it is right there projected on the wall.
2) My handwriting is way more difficult to read than is typing, so this way my lesson plans are legible.
I asked the students at the end of last rehearsal if they enjoyed having it up there and it was a nearly unanimous "yes." Hopefully I will be able to continue doing it!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Music in Schools
I was pleased to see so many people at conferences tonight! Communication needs to be a continual thing. That is the best thing for all involved. Hope to see many more on Thursday. Please go to the meeting at the high school about the budget on Thursday as well.
I have also been following the Des Moines school budget situation and it is nice to see the support for the music program being shown this evening.
At our concert in May, you will hear an example of the important role music plays in public education. For a little pre-concert information/listening, check out this youtube video by Jack Stamp, a famous band composer.
I have also been following the Des Moines school budget situation and it is nice to see the support for the music program being shown this evening.
At our concert in May, you will hear an example of the important role music plays in public education. For a little pre-concert information/listening, check out this youtube video by Jack Stamp, a famous band composer.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Iowa Arts Education Month
March is traditionally Music in our Schools Month. It is a tough year, considering how many music programs around the state are on the chopping block due to budgets. The programs need the aid of many citizens speaking up for them.
Along those lines, Gov. Culver has issued a proclamation declaring March as Iowa Arts Education Month. Read it here: https://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0Bw68cHJbqUs2NjBlODk0YTQtMjdkYS00OGEzLTlkMTMtZjk5NzA0YWU5YmVm&hl=en
Along those lines, Gov. Culver has issued a proclamation declaring March as Iowa Arts Education Month. Read it here: https://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0Bw68cHJbqUs2NjBlODk0YTQtMjdkYS00OGEzLTlkMTMtZjk5NzA0YWU5YmVm&hl=en
Thursday, March 4, 2010
It is painfully obvious that everyone is experiencing squeezes from the recession--schools are not exempt. Many districts in the state are looking at tough cuts. I know there is no easy solution to some of these problems, but it is important that music and the arts are kept in schools. Both the Des Moines Public Schools and Southeast Polk are looking at making significant cuts to their music and art programs. These programs are hugely important in developing creative leaders of tomorrow.
Support the arts in education any chance you get. Never assume "it won't happen here." Schools not too far away are facing that issue. Don't be afraid to speak out!
Support the arts in education any chance you get. Never assume "it won't happen here." Schools not too far away are facing that issue. Don't be afraid to speak out!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
I always enjoy concerts. The stress level leading up to it can be intense, but the rush of the performance never gets old. I am always impressed with what students can do when you set the bar high. They are always willing to meet the challenge! I routinely try to choose music that is borderline difficulty for them and they rise to meet the challenge!
The Parade of Bands is always so fun because the development is evident! The progression is so great for me to see as a teacher. So often we get stuck in the little minutia and loose track of the big picture and this is a great way to see it!
Congrats to all on a great concert! If you have pics you would be willing to send me, please do so at bwipperman@mail.colfax-mingo.k12.ia.us. I'd love to have them!
The Parade of Bands is always so fun because the development is evident! The progression is so great for me to see as a teacher. So often we get stuck in the little minutia and loose track of the big picture and this is a great way to see it!
Congrats to all on a great concert! If you have pics you would be willing to send me, please do so at bwipperman@mail.colfax-mingo.k12.ia.us. I'd love to have them!
A Parade in Winter?
You bet! Tonight is the Parade of Bands at the high school! Should be some great music.
There are lots of things that go on behind the scenes to make this happen. Doug Beach and I loaded all the middle school equipment at 7 this morning. He'll take it up to the high school and students up there will help unload and get things set up. All 6-8 band students will leave at 9:30 for a run through of the concert at the high school. Basically we will get there, run through stuff, make sure everyone has what they need and come back to the middle school in time for lunch! I have 2 choir rehearsals in the afternoon. Mr. Moening does the programs and all of a sudden, it's concert time (that's my favorite part). Tomorrow morning we do all the tear down. Lots of work, but always a fun concert.
Just a reminder that middle school students need to be at the high school by 6:40 tonight!
There are lots of things that go on behind the scenes to make this happen. Doug Beach and I loaded all the middle school equipment at 7 this morning. He'll take it up to the high school and students up there will help unload and get things set up. All 6-8 band students will leave at 9:30 for a run through of the concert at the high school. Basically we will get there, run through stuff, make sure everyone has what they need and come back to the middle school in time for lunch! I have 2 choir rehearsals in the afternoon. Mr. Moening does the programs and all of a sudden, it's concert time (that's my favorite part). Tomorrow morning we do all the tear down. Lots of work, but always a fun concert.
Just a reminder that middle school students need to be at the high school by 6:40 tonight!
Saturday, February 27, 2010
As I sit here watching the Olympics, I can't help but think how big a role music plays in the games. Over the last 2 weeks, national anthems have been played, music has been skated to, video montages have been shown, performances at the opening (and soon to be closing) ceremonies, not to mention NBC's theme music and much, much more. This music has to come from somewhere--from being written to performed and published. These people got a start somewhere and we need to encourage that to happen in our schools. Watching the athletes on the podium--music evokes quite a response--wow.
On that Olympic thought, I really wish curling was available to watch more frequently than every 4 years!
On that Olympic thought, I really wish curling was available to watch more frequently than every 4 years!
Monday, February 22, 2010
Parade of Bands
It's coming. Whether (or maybe weather) or not we are ready. March 2nd is the Parade of Bands concert at the high school--only one week away. We have lost a lot of rehearsal time, but the students have done a nice job the last several days of buckling down and getting some work done. Hopefully my stress level will cooperate. Students were reminded today that they need to be at the high school by 6:40 on March 2nd. The concert should last about an hour. Any MAYBE the weather will cooperate. We'll see. :)
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Vocal Nodules
I have been pretty remiss in addressing some of the things we are doing in choir, so I'll attempt to correct that. Ask your 7th or 8th grader about solfege syllables (you might know them better as that Do, Re, Me song from The Sound of Music). We have been using these syllables to help aid our note reading and our sight singing. I even had one student today who mention that they now get this whole note reading thing. Pretty darn cool!
I also have been hoping and waiting for the technology to show this video about vocal nodules. Every day we work to warm up our voice. This video is a great example of what happens when we don't warm up (just like you would for athletics). The doctor speaking isn't very interesting to listen to, but he has some great information. Hopefully we will be watching it in class very soon!
I also have been hoping and waiting for the technology to show this video about vocal nodules. Every day we work to warm up our voice. This video is a great example of what happens when we don't warm up (just like you would for athletics). The doctor speaking isn't very interesting to listen to, but he has some great information. Hopefully we will be watching it in class very soon!
Friday, February 12, 2010
Week of Feb 8
I was pleased with the solo/ensemble performances last night--many students did some excellent work practicing, preparing and presenting! Special kudos to Jena, Allison and Carly for their I+ ratings!
Because of weather and solo preparation this week, lessons have been very confusing! Due to the random nature of the week, I am not going to have this week count for lesson grades--it is simply too random and a bad measure for grading. Hopefully things will return to "normal" next week after the long weekend.
Only 2 1/2 weeks until the Parade of Bands concert!!!
Because of weather and solo preparation this week, lessons have been very confusing! Due to the random nature of the week, I am not going to have this week count for lesson grades--it is simply too random and a bad measure for grading. Hopefully things will return to "normal" next week after the long weekend.
Only 2 1/2 weeks until the Parade of Bands concert!!!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
and a wiki
No--it's not a sneeze. I have added a wiki as one of the resources to for student learning. Wikis are things that are editable by many people, not just me. The hope is the increased involvement and interaction, which hopefully leads to increased learning--at least that is the goal. I am still learning about wikis, so it might be a while before it really takes off.
I think the best feature is a discussion feature. Let me know what you are thinking--everyone can have a say!
I think the best feature is a discussion feature. Let me know what you are thinking--everyone can have a say!
Friday, February 5, 2010
In case you haven't noticed the new feed on the right, I have opened up a Twitter account for school. Mr. Ruden convinced me to get going, so I am learning all about Twitter. I am really hoping to use it as another vehicle to communicate with parents/students about important issues relating to our program and education in general. Hopefully it will also lead to increased collaboration with other teachers around the state and country so that I can get better at what I do--teaching music. Feel free to follow me on Twitter--I am always looking for feedback!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
7-8 Solo/Ensemble Schedule
I posted a link to the solo/ensemble schedule for Thursday, Feb. 11th at PCM Middle School on the CMMS Music site. Please check it out. I am sorry that it is so late in the game, but with snow days, things have gotten crazy as far as the prep work. Along with a schedule, there should be all the information you should need. Let me know if you have questions!
Grammy Awards
I have to admit, I'm not a big fan of the Grammy Award show and all the hoopla and overdone performances, so I didn't watch much of the awards, but I did catch a couple of things. The first was the call from the president of the Grammys to ensure that all students have music education from kindergarten through high school--something that doesn't exist in many school districts around the country.
The second thing I caught was the performance of the Dave Matthews Band. I am a huge fan of the DMB and always enjoy listening to them perform. One of the things I appreciate the most is the fact they don't have to be dressed in the most ridiculous attire or use inappropriate language to get their point across. They have some great instrumental lines that go through their music and their lyrics are great. Good stuff--check them out!
The second thing I caught was the performance of the Dave Matthews Band. I am a huge fan of the DMB and always enjoy listening to them perform. One of the things I appreciate the most is the fact they don't have to be dressed in the most ridiculous attire or use inappropriate language to get their point across. They have some great instrumental lines that go through their music and their lyrics are great. Good stuff--check them out!
Friday, January 29, 2010
ITBS tests are coming to an end, but solo/ensemble is drawing ever closer. I hope to have a performance schedule for Feb. 11th very soon--if not today, then hopefully by Monday. The snow days have really wreaked havoc with planning for this event, from schedules to lesson times! More than enough stress for one event! Be planning now if there is a need for alternate transportation to PCM for the festival. Lets get things arranged ahead of time so there are no last minute.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Finally, we have started testing. Although it looks like we may have school until July, at least we are getting rolling on the testing. I am proctoring the test for 8th graders and I was pleased yesterday with how seriously the group I had took the tests. Hopefully this continues through the next couple days and the results show in the scores!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Ok--enough ice
So the snow/ice days keep piling up. At least right now, students are still done before the Memorial Day weekend. Gotta look for the positives.
One of the negatives of this last storm was the cancellation of an honor band I was supposed to take 3 students to participate in. Not only is it a good experience for them--working with great students from other districts and an awesome guest conductor--but it is also a chance for me to re-energize (yes, teachers need that!). Hopefully it can get rescheduled.
On another note, the solo festival is 3 weeks from today at PCM Middle School. Most 7-8 students have been working on something. If you haven't heard it at home--ask about it. Practice time is something that has been lacking in the last several weeks! It needs to happen! We can talk about things to improve on in lessons, but if it doesn't get reinforced during practice time, rarely will students internalize that information. It's just like homework, only more fun. :)
One of the negatives of this last storm was the cancellation of an honor band I was supposed to take 3 students to participate in. Not only is it a good experience for them--working with great students from other districts and an awesome guest conductor--but it is also a chance for me to re-energize (yes, teachers need that!). Hopefully it can get rescheduled.
On another note, the solo festival is 3 weeks from today at PCM Middle School. Most 7-8 students have been working on something. If you haven't heard it at home--ask about it. Practice time is something that has been lacking in the last several weeks! It needs to happen! We can talk about things to improve on in lessons, but if it doesn't get reinforced during practice time, rarely will students internalize that information. It's just like homework, only more fun. :)
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
One of the organizations I belong to, Iowa Alliance for Arts Education (IAAE), puts out a monthly newsletter with info pertaining to music education. The one I received today had a great article about some research concerning music lessons and the brain. It's only about a 4 minute read, but some very good information, reinforcing the importance of music education--especially in middle school students!
Friday, January 15, 2010
A new semester
With the "extra" break we had at the end of last week, along with the start of a new semester and new music, I haven't had much time to write. Hopefully I'll be able to get back to it more regularly now.
The new year always brings a flurry of activity in the music dept. As I mentioned, we have new music for all the groups. It is always really exciting to start fresh after working on music for so long. Something new is always welcome. On the other hand, it can be very frustrating. The other music was at a level where we knew it well enough that we could play large parts without a problem. Exploring the new music really makes students (and the director) think and work. As a result we have to do little bits and pieces at a time--something that can be frustrating for everyone involved! The key is patience!
A couple of side notes:
7-8 band students have solo/ensemble festival at PCM on February 11th. Most have had a piece they have been working on for a while. Remind them to practice! In the next 2 weeks or so, I should have a schedule of performance times for the 11th. All will be scheduled between 4 and 8 PM. and are at 5 minute intervals. Not a huge time commitment, but some great feedback.
I am gone for various things several times in the month. I had a Technology in the Iowa Core Curriculum for Learning on Monday. Next Thursday I'll be taking 3 students to the Simpson College honor band. On the 26th, I'll be at the iSpin meeting in West Des Moines. It is frustrating for me to be gone because I hate missing rehearsals. It is hard to get stuff accomplished when there is no sub or not a musically aware sub. I try to have the things that we do during that time be productive and thoughtful. For example, on Monday 7-8 band students wrote 2 paragraphs on whether it was important to have music education in schools. Some good thoughts from the students on both sides. That being said, when I miss a day, that is a day of prep that we lose for the concert, and that is always a challenge.
I think that is probably enough for now. I hope everyone has a great and restful weekend!
The new year always brings a flurry of activity in the music dept. As I mentioned, we have new music for all the groups. It is always really exciting to start fresh after working on music for so long. Something new is always welcome. On the other hand, it can be very frustrating. The other music was at a level where we knew it well enough that we could play large parts without a problem. Exploring the new music really makes students (and the director) think and work. As a result we have to do little bits and pieces at a time--something that can be frustrating for everyone involved! The key is patience!
A couple of side notes:
7-8 band students have solo/ensemble festival at PCM on February 11th. Most have had a piece they have been working on for a while. Remind them to practice! In the next 2 weeks or so, I should have a schedule of performance times for the 11th. All will be scheduled between 4 and 8 PM. and are at 5 minute intervals. Not a huge time commitment, but some great feedback.
I am gone for various things several times in the month. I had a Technology in the Iowa Core Curriculum for Learning on Monday. Next Thursday I'll be taking 3 students to the Simpson College honor band. On the 26th, I'll be at the iSpin meeting in West Des Moines. It is frustrating for me to be gone because I hate missing rehearsals. It is hard to get stuff accomplished when there is no sub or not a musically aware sub. I try to have the things that we do during that time be productive and thoughtful. For example, on Monday 7-8 band students wrote 2 paragraphs on whether it was important to have music education in schools. Some good thoughts from the students on both sides. That being said, when I miss a day, that is a day of prep that we lose for the concert, and that is always a challenge.
I think that is probably enough for now. I hope everyone has a great and restful weekend!
Monday, January 4, 2010
January brings school--and cold!
I had a great holiday break and hope you all did as well, but we are back at it for the second half of the school year. From solos to concerts to honor bands and more, there are lots of things to get done from here to the end of the year! One of the unfortunate things that comes with this time of year is the cold. I am not a big fan of having high temps in the single digits below zero! The wind here in Mingo makes it very cold to walk back and forth to the main building! Too bad there is no bathroom here in the band room.
Anyway, we will start up with jazz band again on Wednesday, Jan. 6th. There will not be practice on Monday, Jan. 11th, as I will be in a meeting all day in Johnston.
I am still looking for a volunteer to do some accompanying for students with solos. I am able to do some of it, but all of it is a bit much for my piano skills. If you know of someone who is interested, please let me know ASAP!
Stay warm!
Anyway, we will start up with jazz band again on Wednesday, Jan. 6th. There will not be practice on Monday, Jan. 11th, as I will be in a meeting all day in Johnston.
I am still looking for a volunteer to do some accompanying for students with solos. I am able to do some of it, but all of it is a bit much for my piano skills. If you know of someone who is interested, please let me know ASAP!
Stay warm!
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