Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Mr. Kuehner

Sorry for not having posted for a while. Last week I had the honor of taking 4 awesome students to an honor band at Simpson College in Indianola. Students got their music about a month in advance and individually prepared their music. On Jan. 17th, those students from around the area came together to form 2 bands under guest conductors. They had never met as a group before, but they rehearsed for about 5 hours and gave an evening concert. It is a great experience!

Which brings me to my real point--the guest conductors. Usually honor bands are directed by people who are talented and well respected music educators. This year, one of the band directors at the honor band was the person I had the honor of doing my student teaching with--Leon Kuehner. He taught for over 30 years at Hampton-Dumont before "retiring." He still serves in so many capacities furthering music and education in the state of Iowa. He is a talented director, a wonderful teacher and an even better human being. He has received a national honor--and is completely deserving.

Monday, January 23, 2012


As we draw ever closer to solo/ensemble (Feb. 9 @ PCM) I have posted a link on the band website for performance times and information. If there are any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. Over the next 2 weeks, we will be working to put solos together with the piano and small groups together with all their members. It's an exciting time!