Monday, March 28, 2011

Jasper Co. Honor Band

9 students are going with me today to the Jasper Co. Honor Band in Newton. It's a great opportunity for talented musicians around Jasper Co. to come together and work with a guest conductor and make some great music. This year's conductor is Leon Kuehner, a retired director from Hampton. You would never know he is retired, though. He has an energy and a passion that really make him phenomenal to work with. He is also a leader in arts advocacy and support for the arts in schools. It should be an awesome day!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Busy, Busy

It always seems like there is a bug that goes around this time of the year. I think it has hit the middle school, as well as the Wipperman house! Unfortunately that means I have not been at school as much as I would like to have been. I can't wait for SPRING!

Parent teacher conferences are next week. I hope to see a lot of you on Tuesday and Thursday evening!